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Everything posted by SLAM!

  1. Just noticed the film went from April to August... drastic... That doesn't bode well. At all.
  2. I went to a 7:10 2D showing and the theater wasn't filled with people but there were still more people then I expected. It could have been an outlier because my community likes movies enough to turn an inspiring Ebola documentary into a sold out event.
  3. An Ebola documentary was sold out so I ended up seeing this instead and I thought it was worth the price of admission. Not the best film ever but I have no problems with it. Visuals and editing are great, and it keeps subtle visual cues from the anime film in mind.
  4. @Fancyarcher This was shocking to me. You were voted off much earlier than I could have imagined. At least it adds some extra wrinkles to the story of the 2017 Tubular Toons! Thanks for competing!
  5. It does feel bad voting for people. I should know...
  6. I just need to take a moment and react to the amount of movies Woody Harrelson is in in 2017.
  7. Every day, it feels more and more like I was meant to be the first one out. Being a participant is fun, but being a spectator is fun, too!
  8. I think @DAJK is gonna end up winning this thing.
  9. That's awesome! Character development is one of my favorite parts of stories when I write. This is gonna be fun. (Robots are the best!)
  10. I think it's tomorrow. And I'm guessing the story is getting so good, Spaghetti needed extra time.
  11. The director is actually Bruce MacDonald, who has previously directed a 2015 release titled The Perfect Wave.
  12. (I deleted this post because it had false information about the film.)
  13. I think it's the passion of the filmmakers that changes it.
  14. Thank you, everyone! I'm still gonna follow the story to see how it goes! Good luck to the Rockin' Robots and to everyone else! I kinda knew it from the beginning that I would be the first to go home, so I'm not even mad!
  15. To be fair, I'm close enough to Before I Fall to salvage points, but I really might be devoured by vultures after Table 19 and Rock Dog.
  16. That's way better than I did for those three movies, to be honest.
  17. I saw Arrival last night and it was fantastic! Really deserves its five wins.
  18. More like Robots are technologically advanced, Toons are forgettable, and Aliens are too far away from Earth to make a difference.
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