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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 1 hour ago, WittyUsername said:

    I feel like WB has gotten used to people being mad at them at this point. Still, the rumor about Cavill showing up is pretty much the only reason anyone is even talking about WB’s presence at Comic Con this year, so if he does show up, that might just be the shot in the arm that DC needs. 

    DC always plays second fiddle at comic con, this year is nothing new lol. Especially when they specifically said they were only showing their 2022 releases. I still think it would be cool to show a small sizzle reel of stuff coming next year and of course it would be great if Cavill was there but I think best case maybe something via video or whatever. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    If we want to be generous, it’s possible that if Cavill does show up, it will be to announce that a crossover with Black Adam and Shazam is in the pipeline. Still, I’d much rather get a solo Superman movie, and at this point, I think the only way that can happen is if they do a reboot. 

    I’d be surprised if they did actually have him signed back on to play he wouldn’t be getting a new solo movie. I don’t think he’s signing on only for cameos but I suppose they could just announce a crossover thing at sdcc, but again, I’ve heard this all before about him coming back so I’ll believe it when I see it. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    I’m not expecting Cavill to be there, either in-person or virtually, but Deadline and Variety will have to deal with a lot of pissed off fans if nothing happens. 

    The problem is it won’t be deadline and variety dealing with pissed off fans, it will be non stop bitching at WB online. And while they have dragged their asses on the Superman front no one was expecting anything like this from sdcc this year, the trades just put this out and now the expectations are set.


    WB only has a one hour panel and they already said beforehand that they were only going be talking about their 2022 movies. Maybe this was supposed to

    be a surprise so who knows but I don’t expect anything to happen. 

  4. Doubt anything with Superman comes up but I’d love to be wrong. Really looking forward to seeing Shazam stuff as I loved the first movie and hopefully a new trailer for Black Adam with more action. I also doubt they’ll be announcing anything new here but again I’d love to be wrong. 

    I don’t wanna be too negative or anything here so I’ll just say I’m not really excited for anything Marvel will be showing or announcing but I’m hoping that changes with what they show here and at D23. 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, baumer said:

    Well I'm a leaves fan first but I'm a closet Buffalo Sabers fan as well. I think if they can add maybe just one piece they're going to be pretty good this year. They ended the year last year on a total hot streak and I think with guys like Jeff Skinner getting better and then the pieces they got in the jack eichel trade, they're going to be a lot better this year than people are giving them credit for.


    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, baumer said:


    So you're into hockey free agency too? Awesome because I don't have many people to talk to about it online but in real life living in Toronto of course I have lots of people here.


    Johnny Gaudreau not signing in Calgary for 8 years and 80 million saying he wants to be closer to his family and then signing in Columbus makes him a bold-faced liar and I don't like that LOL.... But it does make Patrick Laine fantasy relevant next year.


    Pacioretty getting traded by Vegas certainly helps clear up some cap space for them so they can get Jack eichel under the salary cap next year.


    Campbell to Edmonton is good.


    I kind of love how aggressive Ottawa is being. They get Claude Giroux they previously signed Alex Debrincat and then they go ahead and sign Talbot. 


    Seems like Tampa Bay is signing everyone to 8 years.


    Detroit made a couple of good pickups.


    Sorry to everyone else I know this is not the hockey free agency thread but I always get excited when someone else is into it.

    Yes! Love hockey lol. I’m

    in Toronto as well but I’m a sabres fan cause Rick Vaive used to be my favourite player and when he ended up on Buffalo when I was younger that became my team. 


    I was on the way to the keg for dinner with my wife when I saw the Gaudrea signing, j was shocked lol. 

    All your other points I agree with.


    I don’t like the leafs team this year tbh, questionable goaltending and D, but maybe it will all work out.


    Apologies for going off topic everyone. 



    • Like 1
  7. As I said yesterday, people are seeing other posters discussing their disappointment in this opening as saying it’s a failure or absolutely awful. We all know this is a “good” amount for a Thor movie to open at, the disappointment comes from the potential of what it “could” of opened at. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    He's not wrong. Thor following Ragnarok (a fan fave) and both IW+EG should have been a massive opening. All the solo movies following big crossovers had a bigger bump

    Ya l was thinking this could do 180 before hand with what I saw from Batman and MOM. But I was expecting much better reception. Marvel has done a great job building up a fan base, they need to do better with quality going forward to keep those fans. 

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, wildphantom said:

    sure. But another couple of this standard in a row and they really do have a problem. 

    There’s no way to sugar coat fans bitching about the movie coming out of an opening day showing. That sentiment was palpable as I left my screening. One of big disappointment. 

    I agree that this movie more then any other is an issue, But my point is that most people aren’t screaming marvel is doomed right now. Of course if they keep putting out movies like this that happens but let’s remember we had NWH and SC before and to some extent even BW was fine. And even though I don’t really love the shows the vast majority of people do enjoy them. 

    • Like 2
  10. I think people are missing the point here when discussing Thor.

    Minus a few individuals who always freak out, the vast majority of people aren’t saying “marvel is doomed” etc, it’s just that MOM and now Thor both should of been easy home runs, but reception wasn’t what we’re used to with Marvel so it’s a bit disappointing for certain people. It’s not that the totals for the movies aren’t more then adequate, it’s just more of a “what it could of been with better reception” scenario. 

    • Like 1
  11. Maybe I’m in the minority but I love a really good TV series. I’ve been spoiled over the years with so much good stuff from HBO, and now with apple and Amazon putting out really great stuff as well I think it’s awesome.


    My kids are older now (17/15)so we have more free time, so we like catching up on stuff on the weekends after a busy week when we don’t have too much stuff going on. 

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