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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. according to Word, it was 22,779 repetitions of the word trash yesterday, 82,775 today. Gotta go for six figures next time.
  2. Road Warrior. The Driver. Commando. RoboCop and The Raid are 100 minutes. You're right of course that there's plenty of great action movies that are closer to 2 hours or even longer. I was simplifying to make the point that in the modern blockbuster landscape it'd be refreshing to see something lean and mean as opposed to overstuffed.
  3. Someday an action movie will come out that's 95 minutes long because it was written by someone who understands story structure and threw out all the unnecessary bullshit leaving only the good stuff. Skyscraper is almost certainly not that movie, but one can dream.
  4. Dunno if anyone's noted this but I'm pretty sure this is the first weekend ever when we have three movies playing in 4,000+ theaters. (Edit: well, 4100+ theaters, at least.)
  5. Part A: 1. Will Ant Man Open to more than $75M? 1000 Yes 2. Will Ant Man Open to more than $82.5M? 2000 Yes 3. Will The Purge Open to more than $17M 3 Day? 3000 Yes 4. Will The Purge Open to more than $22M 3 Day? 4000 No 5. Will Antman's Friday be higher than Purge's Sunday Total? 5000 Yes 6. Will Jurassic World stay above $25M? 1000 Yes 7. Will Incredibles drop less than 45%? 2000 Yes 8. Will Deadpool stay above Won't You be my neighbour? 3000 No 9. Will Sanju stay above Solo? 4000 No 10. Will Black Panther increase more than 500% this weekend? 5000 No 11. Will Sicario's PTA stay above Uncle Drew's PTA? 1000 No 12. Will Tag increase more than 30% on Saturday? 2000 No 13. Will Hereditary drop more than 25% on Sunday? 3000 No 14. Will the top 5 make more than $160M combined? 4000 Yes 15. Will Stan Lee cameo as Lord of the Flies? 5000 5000 Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Purge make for its 3 day? 19.518 2. What will Incredible's percentage change be? -39.4% 3. What will Sanju's PTA be for the Weekend? $2,750 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. Jurassic World 4. The First Purge 5. Uncle Drew 7. Ocean's 8 9. Won't You Be My Neighbor? 12. Solo: A Star Wars Story
  6. Diabolique, which Hitchcock himself wanted to make but was a few hours too late getting the rights to the novel.
  7. watched Elevator to the Gallows because its main theme is used in the best scene in Burning. cool as hell movie. had to restrain myself from literally doing in front of my TV during every moment Jeanne Moreau was onscreen. I mean, shit. you wanna talk about what is cinema? This is cinema
  8. 1967 (40th) Estelle Parsons Blanche Barrow Bonnie and Clyde [38] Carol Channing Muzzy van Hossmere Thoroughly Modern Millie Mildred Natwick Ethel Banks Barefoot in the Park Beah Richards Mary Prentice Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Katharine Ross Elaine Robinson The Graduate
  9. by extension one of the most undeserving Oscars ever given too.
  10. is Dale Dickey playing another no-nonsense tough old redneck woman because no authentic American indie drama could be complete without that.
  11. So I'd be perpetually broke no matter how much money I was making?
  12. I have not looked at Best Buy but I have looked at The Criterion Collection and fuck yes.
  13. I don't see why. A character not being iconic doesn't mean they're a "nobody". I haven't thought too much about my top 10 yet, but it'll probably include characters like Clive Candy from The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, Evelyn Mulwray from Chinatown, Esther Blodgett from A Star Is Born '54 - why, because they're all phenomenally written and acted and I don't care at all that they aren't as well-known as Indiana Jones or whoever.
  14. So is this about who's best or who's most iconic? Cause the latter is a hell of a lot more boring.
  15. Burning is pretty strong stuff. Loved the low-key sense of unease for the first two thirds, then felt like it was getting off on being withholding, but then felt kinda embarrassed that I didn't actually get the answer to the movie's main narrative question until I had it pointed out to me after the screening. Thematically, if anything, it seems a little too neat and obvious, but the craft keeps it engrossing. Not the movie of the year for me even at this point in time (the naked dance to Miles Davis might be the scene of the year, though) but worth seeing for sure.
  16. I coulda sworn he was but I just read that he denies it. The guy I thought was him sure does look a lot like him, though. Anyway, at least Jeff Goldblum 100% is in the movie.
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