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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. strange wording there. Ackroyd also shot The Hurt Locker and was nominated for it, why is this an unexpected decision.
  2. Clouds of Sils Maria and Burn After Reading would probably be a love-it-or-hate-it kind of deal for said woman. (Unless you already know if she's into the Coens.) Sing Street and Spotlight are the most safe I guess. After that Boyhood, Pines, The Big Short.
  3. I need to revisit Gump to finally form a definitive take on it. Really loved it as a teen but upon reflection it feels like a movie that veers awkwardly between making fun of Americana and earnestly buying into it. I feel like it's become such a ubiquitous piece of pop culture that neither its fans nor its haters really acknowledge how weird and contradictory it often is.
  4. A Christmas Carol at least has a great Silvestri score. I have a Beowulf blu-ray lying around which I got from a friend of a friend who didn't need it years ago, and I popped it into the player recently. Lasted about two minutes. I couldn't believe just how wretched that thing looks. And I saw it on the biggest screen in town back in the day too and, from memory, didn't mind the visuals then.
  5. For someone in the middle of a war event their experience is the most immediate and important thing they have. I'm not over the moon about Dunkirk but if anything it honors people by focusing on that.
  6. Really? From what I understand it has a conventional structure and is an openly emotional and romantic movie, which should make it much more immediately appealing. "Much more arthouse than Moonlight" basically means Tree of Life territory or something, because Moonlight was pretty arthouse for an American indie. After seeing Dunkirk I'm not looking forward to it winning anything other than the sound awards tbh. It's good but not that good.
  7. Part A: 1. Will Dunkirk make more than $45M OW? 1000 No 2. Will Valerian Open to more than $22.5M? 2000 No 3. Will Girl's Trip open to more than $22.5M? 3000 Yes 4. Will Dunkirk Open to more than Valerian and Girl's Trip combined? 4000 Yes 5. Will the three main openers make more than $90M combined? 5000 Yes 6. Will Apes drop less than 55%? 1000 Yes 7. Will Spiderman stay in the top 4? 2000 Yes 8. WIll Cars 3 drop more than Despicable Me 3 (percentage)? 3000 Yes 9. Will Wish Upon drop more than 62% 4000 No 10. Will The House drop more than 65%? 5000 Yes 11. Will Baby Driver have a PTA above $2,150? 1000 Yes 12. Will The Fencer have a PTA above $6000? 2000 No 13. Will The Midwife have a PTA above $4000? 3000 Yes 14. Will The Big Sick drop more than 30%? 4000 Yes 15. Will The Mummy stay above Captain Underpants? 5000 Yes 16. Will 47 MEtres Down stay above The Beguiled? 1000 Yes 17. Will Transformers have a higher weekend percentage drop than Pirates? 2000 Yes 18. Wil Spiderman cross $250M by the end of the weekend? 3000 Yes 19. Will Dunkirk Open in first place? 4000 Yes 20. Will the British sailors save the day using some bullshit involving a watch, morse code and the 5th dimension? 5000 Yes Bonus: 12/20 2000 13/20 4000 14/20 7000 15/20 12000 16/20 16,000 17/20 21,000 18/20 26,000 19/20 32,000 20/20 40,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Dunkirk make for Friday? 15.490 2. What will be the different in gross between Dunkirk's 3 day and Girl's Trip and Valerian's combined 3 day? 0.999 3. What will Transformer's percentage drop be? 69.114% Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. Dunkirk 3. War for the Planet of the Apes 5. Valerian 8. The Big Sick 10. Wish Upon 13. Maudie
  8. Not initially I guess. Good move 'cause it'd drop 70% on TLJ weekend and then be gone from theaters before it could get the most out of the holidays.
  9. Backbone definitely not. The whole ghost as heavy-handed metaphor thing does nothing for me, so I only really enjoyed both that and Crimson Peak for their formal qualities. Pan's Labyrinth I saw a really long time ago and would need to rewatch to be specific but I remember something in its juxtaposition of real-life horror and fairy tale kinda rubbed me the wrong way, and I think Gilliam's Tideland did the same thing a lot more powerfully a year earlier.
  10. None of GDT's original films ever bowled me over but at the very least this'll look fantastic and give Sally Hawkins a plum lead role. We'll see how much more it has to offer on top of that.
  11. I hope this is the fun kind of preposterous rather than the self-serious and idiotic kind. Still feels like it could go either way. I'll be seeing it for the actors and the gorgeously photographed snow regardless. Maybe I'll pick up the book before it's out.
  12. To paraphrase Branagh you can practically see the thinkpieces from here. Dunkirk is All White Guys All The Time: The Movie. Detroit only gets white people their nominations. Etc etc. BTW speaking of contenders about/made by black people (other than Get Out), what the hell is going on with Mudbound? It was already at risk cause Netflix, but six months after it premiered they haven't even given it a release date.
  13. It gets me more and more every time I see a big action trailer with rapid cutting and blaring music in which, near the end, someone inevitably shouts "WHERE IS HE?!!" at someone else, in what's supposed to be this emotionally intense moment that helps sell you on the movie. Except, who the fuck is "he"? Why is this random person shouting at another random person? Why should I care? You can make your trailer a self-contained piece of work while still getting your explosions and shit in there. You can also use these random out-of-context snippets carefully so that they increase the intrigue instead of just assaulting the audience with shit that means absolutely nothing on any level until you see it in the actual movie.
  14. Yeah it looks dumber and broader than before. Hope it's just the trailer they cut specifically for the casuals but I dunno. Better temper my expectations a little.
  15. It's like saying your adult life adds nothing to your teenage years. Coming from a teen I suppose that's understandable, if monumentally dumb.
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