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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. No shock there although I thought at least Under the Skin's 2.6m would be within reach. Now it's gonna make barely half that, at best.
  2. He's a wonderfully intense and memorable villain in North by Northwest. I never even thought it was him for the entire movie, only knowing him from late career roles, and kept thinkng holy shit who is this guy.
  3. Should just give it a Labor Day expansion to make sure. I doubt Cars 3 is gonna get one, and the only other one that would make sense is Wonder Woman.
  4. If SMH follows First Avenger (which also dropped 60% on second weekend in July) it still gets to about 310. Best case scenario is it develops Ant-Man-esque late legs in August and gets to SM3 after all.
  5. I dunno if The Papers is gonna have anything worth nominating. Didn't stop them with regards to Williams before, but I think Last Jedi will be a better candidate to satisfy their hard-on for him. I'll stick with my earlier prediction but throw out Darkest Hour for the PTA and add Shape of Water as the alternate.
  6. Not unless it gets serious help from Dunkirk. Right now I think if it does hit 400m it'll be Frozen-style, late into its run. (Or on Labor Day weekend if WB expands it.)
  7. Lucy benefited massively from it too. Moved up from August 8 at the last minute and immediately became the main attraction of its week instead of one of five movies all crowded on the same date. Rogue One's first 90 minutes is just a whole lot of nothing.
  8. Kitsch and Philippe are bland hunks, DeHaan has a weirder, more memorable look and vibe that he can always build a character-actor career on if he hooks up with the right people.
  9. Given the reception it's hard to see how Guadagnino doesn't make it into Best Director tbh.
  10. Hateful at least didn't suffer on the creative side from being released in December (unlike Django where the seams were clearly showing) and while it didn't light the box office on fire, for a bleak claustrophobic three-hour journey into hell it did about as well as it would have on any other date. Maybe he finishes this one early enough to avoid the Christmas glut, unless it's three hours long too.
  11. 1. Despicable Me (2.0) vs Logan (3.2) - Despicable Me, bet 10,000 3. Pirates (2.3) vs Boss Baby (1.8) - Boss Baby, bet 10,000 4. Dunkirk (3.1) vs Hidden Figures (1.6) - Dunkirk, bet 10,000 5. 47 Metres Down(5.7) vs All Eyes on me (1.2) - All Eyez on Me, bet 10,000 6. Beguiled (3.5) vs Megan Leavey (1.4) - Megan Leavey, bet 10,000 7. Baby Driver (1.8) vs Dark Tower (3.4) - Baby Driver, bet 10,000
  12. Part A: 1. Will Apes Open to more than $60M? 1000 Yes 2. Will Wish Upon Open to more than $10M? 2000 No 3. Will The Big Sick make more than Wish Upon? 3000 Yes 4. Will Apes open in first place? 4000 Yes 5. Will Apes, Wish upon and Big Sick combine to more than $75M? 5000 Yes 6. Will Wonder Woman drop less than 35% 1000 Yes 7. Will Despicable Me drop more than 47.5% 2000 No 8. Will Transformers Stay above Cars 3? 3000 Yes 9. Will Baby Driver have a lower percentage drop than 47 Metres Down? 4000 Yes 10. Will Captain Underpants drop more than 75%? 5000 No 11. Will Lady Macbeth have a PTA above $6,000? 1000 Yes 12. Will Blind have a PTA above $4,000? 2000 No 13. Will House have a PTA above $1,200? 3000 No 14. Will Pirates cross $170M by the end of the weekend? 4000 Yes 15. Will Maurice continue to be the absolute best thing in the Apes franchise? 5000 Yes Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Apes make for its 3 day OW? 76.500 2. What will Big Sicks percentage increase for the weekend be? 218.650% 3. What will Captain Underpants gross on Sunday? $75,700 Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. War for the Planet of the Apes 4. The Big Sick 6. Wonder Woman 9. Cars 3 11. 47 Meters Down 13. Guardians of the Galaxy
  13. Rise's 54m OW came out of nowhere at least for me. The trailers looked dumb and I never thought it would open to even 2/3 of what it did. Dawn, following Rise, did about what was expected.
  14. His violence is not often that extreme and every single depiction of it from Reservoir Dogs to Hateful Eight has a point and a moral grounding to it. The killing of Shosanna's family in the prologue of IB is a complete 180 in tone from the Crazy 88 slaughter in Kill Bill, and the awful, bleak violence against slaves in Django is deliberately contrasted with the cathartic violence against slaveowners. And then there's almost zero blood in Jackie Brown and Kill Bill Vol 2 aside from a single brief moment in each, which should be enough proof that he can hold himself back just fine when needed. QT has always known exactly what he's doing with violence, and it amazes me that 25 years later even people supposedly familiar with his work are still quick to clutch their pearls and treat him like some bloodthirsty teenager who's about to get off on the Manson murders, before anyone knows what exactly is written into this script and before a single frame has been shot.
  15. What? I'm not talking about different opinions, I'm talking about people claiming that Tarantino only uses violence for fun and entertainment. Which is just plain nonsense if you actually watch the films.
  16. Haven't been to other places but the comments under the AV Club article about this are packed with handwringing about how Tarantino is going to desecrate real people's memories with his fun fetishized violence and whatnot. Sometimes I really feel like a lot of people's knowledge of the guy's work is strictly limited to Kill Bill 1, "Oh man I shot Marvin in the face" and any random interview where's being obnoxious.
  17. If QT got as good a performance out of Robbie as Scorsese did in WOWS it'd be absolutely fine by me. He's an actor's director if there ever was one.
  18. Mathieu Amalric is waiting by the phone. Yeah like the violence against slaves in Django. That was so totally cool and awesome.
  19. Would JLaw play Sharon Tate, or a member of the family? Anyway I'm glad this news got dropped so soon after I complained that QT's been silent about whatever he's doing next. Even more glad that it's something way out of left field. If everything goes smooth maybe he'll deliver it by late 2018.
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