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Everything posted by Arlborn

  1. You know what would be fun even though it’ll never actually happen? Falcon’s Captain America against all the Hulks. Red Hulk will be in it? Great, add Hulk, She-Hulk, heck add Abomination too and then make up an excuse for all of them to brawl, with Captain caught in the middle, then sell that as the big hook of the movie on the first trailer, that would put butts on seats.
  2. Come on man, most movies aren't made because people ask for them. Remember when a live-action Barbie was announced? So many people saying variations of that, look how that turned out.
  3. He's watching what Marvel is doing. He's seeing this doing badly because it was too connected to the TV shows (among many other reasons ofc) and he's seeing the MCU revamping its TV side by retooling Daredevil and creating the Spotlight label (TV shows not directly involved in the MCU continuity) starting with Echo and I'm sure he's rethinking his own plans. He'd be crazy not to.
  4. Nah, she’ll be in the team and be prominent, but I bet either Star-Lord or Doctor Strange will lead it, they need their most well received characters to be leading an Avengers movie now more than ever.
  5. I said the exact same somewhere else. I think it’s kinda funny in a sad sort of way that when they finally gave the TV show fans what they had been asking for years, it turned out to be such a big mistake.
  6. 45 reviews, 67%, and already a critics consensus? Ok then… It feels like this will be a good time for anyone who enjoyed the concept and/or the trailers. 45 reviews is so little though
  7. If it opens to 45M then 200M is surely possible considering the first one got an almost 5x multiplier. Still, I’d be happy with anything over 500M WW for this, considering the circumstances.
  8. They definitely did NOT fuck up the landing here. It was incredible. It was so damn fitting, just perfection. Did it? In what way? It felt to me like we might meet this Loki again.
  9. Wan really does a lot of heavy lifting here to make the action stand out a lot more. I love the action sequence in the Italian (?) village for example, it feels so solid and awesome. Movie indeed had better action scenes than most, all I’m hoping for this second one is the same.
  10. Hyperbolic statements are fun to make, I guess? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some people in the MCU thread saying that they should cancel like 3-4 of their movies already on production or pre-production, they should spend a couple of years without making movies, they should fire Kevin Feige, etc. So then you’ll have exaggerated reactions and replies, that’s natural.
  11. I never really understood the hater mentality either. I guess misery just really loves company.
  12. I think this was the biggest mistake the MCU has made since Endgame and it culminated here in this opening weekend. And I’m saying this as someone who enjoyed most of their Disney + stuff and absolutely love Ms. Marvel and the actress playing her. I doubt they’ll ever be connecting their Disney + stuff to their movies again. In fact, it has already started to be disconnected, as their new show Echo is not part of the MCU movies continuity at all and Daredevil is being retooled and will probably follow that same model. This is the second biggest mistake they’ve made, the double punch of Love and Thunder and then Quantumania really poisoned the well. Love & Thunder felt like a parody of the MCU while Quantumania was just cowardly in how it introduced the main villain of this phase killing people’s interest in him.
  13. As a big Thunderbolts fan, how would you go about making a Thunderbolts movie? I wouldn’t mind those movies being D+ shows instead, I even think Cap America makes sense to be the second season of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but I think Disney is done making tv shows connected to MCU movies now. Can’t they just cast another famous young actor(s) as a superhero instead of relying on just one? Fantastic Four and X-Men should give them the opportunity for that… Same state as the DCU? Bullshit. 59 minutes ago, Kon said: Yeah, it’s so weird to say women don’t like movies led by other women. It’s way more about the concept indeed. Something relatively unexpected always pops up in the BO.
  14. You’re very good at this prediction game. This movie seems to please women way more(going solely by RT critics ratio), so I wonder how they could’ve marketed it in a way to make more women come out for it. I wonder how many more women would’ve come after seeing the leads playing with puppies and kittens on YouTube. Probably not many more, but it’s a pity that a movie that seems to be made by women and for women failed to attract them. Our trackers rock.
  15. Still at 66% and 6.6 after 44 reviews. If you really liked the trailer, the premise and/or the franchise, that’s nothing that should stop you from going to watch this imho
  16. I don’t think so, I feel like they’re pouring everything into this one, plus it had already been filming for a while right? Plus, I doubt it’ll have even half as much green screen environment as Quantumania, so not as CGI heavy I think. Additionally, being rushed wasn’t even the biggest problem of Quantumania, but that’s another story, another thread.
  17. There were over 300 pages before the movie even came out, with dozens and dozens of comments straight up deleted by the mod teams and loads of gleefully tearing down of the movie and its universe without even having seen it. This thread has also been featured in a big forum fully dedicated to finding internet drama to laugh about (and brigade/troll), it has had users who have made accounts just to concern troll the crap out of it, and there has been plenty of complaints distinctly coated in casual sexism(many of them thankfully deleted). There has also been plenty of personal attacks from people attacking and defending this movie, loads of warnings and thread bans here. So no, it hasn’t exactly been a field of roses. Only because it wasn’t on the level of toxicity of some earlier DCU and Star Wars threads it doesn’t mean it wasn’t toxic.
  18. So does that mean we’re getting a masterpiece next? I’m down for that. PS: I haven’t watched this movie yet, but I gotta say I’m just hoping it isn’t as tedious as The Dark World was. It can be bad in other ways, but being boring as a superhero movie is a big sin.
  19. I doubt they’re releasing this on Disney+. In fact, unless it’s more Loki, I doubt they’re releasing anything super connected to the continuity of the movies on Disney+ anymore, they already came very close to saying that first with the Daredevil announcement and then with Echo’s trailer release and labeling it a “Spotlight” release, where they assured us you don’t need to watch anything else of the MCU to enjoy it. So yes, they’ll have to fix the movie any way they can. All of this is assuming that what was reported in that tweet is true of course, it may also be a fake rumor or an exaggerated version of the truth (like that variety article for example).
  20. Captain America 4 was always going to get greenlit in one way or another though. It’s probably considered a lot less risky than Thunderbolts simply because of recognition.
  21. Sure, people overestimate the man who delivered close to a billion per movie produced on average. Totally. (with that said, he really should delegate the TV side of things to someone else so he can focus on the movies) The gaming industry fucking sucks, what the hell kind of take is that? Fuck the gaming industry.
  22. 9 months in between movies and then a (hopefully) banger with Deadpool. That could be good for the MCU after so many complaints about too much content coming too fast.
  23. He must be so relived that he’ll actually be able to promote the movie during it Oh, and Boygenius is a great band. That’s all.
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