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Everything posted by aabattery

  1. Seems like they don't want IW to take any votes away from BP.
  2. His skin can still be green. Hell, his nose is green. Up your pedantry game, Eric.
  3. Eh. Buzz still got a lot of coverage. I'd say most people who can name Armstrong can name Aldrin as well. Michael Collins, on the other hand; if anyone drew a short straw, it's him.
  4. I dunno. Genius is obviously a strong word, but almost all of the Apollo guys were insanely qualified. They weren't just throwing random test pilots up there. I know you've made up your mind on the missions being pointless wastes of money, but they got a lot of good science done. There might have been more effective ways to do it, sure, but there's a lot of collective good that can come from projects like Apollo. Anyway, Neil walked first because he was the mission commander. They didn't just flip a coin. I'd say both guys can be considered important, but there's always a bit more glamour in being first. I don't think there's much anyone can do about that. It's just human nature.
  5. Neil was an engineer himself. He didn't exactly sit around doing nothing while people put the rockets and landers and what-not together. The astronauts had a lot of valuable input on getting all that stuff working.
  6. I personally thought it had a good balance of quiet to exciting. Lots of genuine edge-of-your-seat stuff, especially during the Gemini mission. But I guess that side of it hasn't connected with a lot of people. Agree to disagree.
  7. I'd say he has a story worth telling. Obviously (in hindsight) not a story that lends itself to making a lot of money, but most of the movie is a quiet character study. It's tricky to sell that to a wide audience, and the actiony space scenes weren't enough to offset that like they were hoping. I don't think it'll have too many repercussions career wise for those involved. It's still been pretty well received overall and it's hardly going to be a massive bomb in the grand scheme of things. Won't be a money maker but Universal can take the hit, especially after they get all that Halloween money.
  8. I looked it up and he's in Top Gun 2 as well. To think I was so close to boycotting that movie. What a turnaround.
  9. Finished the first season of GLOW. Good stuff! Keith is my boy.
  10. I don't feel too bad about December. They've thrown so much shit at the wall there that some of it is bound to stick. But yeah, November not gonna be quite as spicy. Should do well enough but can't see it rising above 2017/16. Still, the lead 2018 is building up so far should more than make up for any Nov/Dec declines. Already almost a billion ahead of where it was in 2017. Year Gross* 2018 % change 2017 % change 2016 % change 2015 % change 2014 % change 2013 % change 2018 $9,424.2 - +10.7% +5.2% +8.2% +13.9% +9.5% 2017 $8,516.1 -9.6% - -4.9% -2.3% +2.9% -1.1% 2016 $8,957.4 -5.0% +5.2% - +2.8% +8.3% +4.1% 2015 $8,713.5 -7.5% +2.3% -2.7% - +5.3% +1.2% 2014 $8,274.7 -12.2% -2.8% -7.6% -5.0% - -3.9% 2013 $8,608.2 -8.7% +1.1% -3.9% -1.2% +4.0% -
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