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Everything posted by RRA

  1. DePalma only signed on late in the prep game after the original director bailed (IIRC it’s Gore Verbinski*) so take that into consideration FWIW. Maybe he wanted to dabble in blatant sci-fi/2001 riffing? *=Who also bailed on Catch Me If You Can, back when James Gandolfini would’ve played the FBI agent. Spielberg (who was suppose to just produce) took over, delays in the meantime made JG leave for scheduling conflict and Hanks took over. One of the Beard’s more enjoyable pictures.
  2. The problem when people advocate piracy, a conglomerate like Disney supposedly can take it but indie films or companies that have to count every penny to keep the lights on? Not so much. as for the stock bump, perception is reality.
  3. Yes the same AMC that (with other mega-chains) put out of business countless smaller independent/mom and pop theaters across America who didn’t have Reddit to bail them out. (Yes I’m extra salty because two of my two indie theaters went under during the pandemic, both cheaper and one of them the only “art house” theater around that also moonlighted as a 2nd run joint.)
  4. It’s why Disney pre-Eisner in the 80s seriously considered quit making movies and concentrate just on their parks.
  5. I was going to troll and quip it’s because neither of them starred a girl, but eh not worth it. But seriously, those PA numbers clearly put a bug up people’s behinds. It’s a mixture of franchise war soldiers and cinema buffs (in seeming weekly tradition) pearl clutch about theaters being dead.
  6. It’s still absurd how that SS marketing was maybe “too” successful considering WB recut/reshot stuff so the movie would better match the marketing. A true tail wagging the dog moment.
  7. I unironically like it. I’m not blind to it’s flaws, but it delivers cult movie charm where space Viking shenanigans doesn’t grow on trees (though of course Ragnarok is miles better in that department.) No fanbase is immune to piracy. Hell I remember Avengers being pirated a week before it’s American opening. (of course that’s the downside of PA. It arguably makes piracy easier. Consider China where the movie release date is up in the air and some folks there already are using “Dutch imports.”)
  8. It’s a fine score. reminds me when the first Thor got a B+. Imagine how much consternation would happen if that was in 2021 lol
  9. Didn't work for me*, but I can see how others could enjoy that movie more. *=When you make ole ID4 look like a brainchild by comparison...
  10. Not a fan of his politics, but I doubt most people outside of our movie culture care.* Let's remember when Pratt's father-in-law was the biggest star on the planet, his politics back then weren't exactly a secret. *=I mean Tomorrow War (despite the lackluster reviews) had a big premiere on Amazon and sequel talks allegedly are happening.
  11. GOTGv2 has a better villain, but people don’t love that title generally as much as #1.
  12. I predicted 85 the other day and I’m sticking with it because that’s what heroes do.
  13. Despite my indifference to it considering I’m from that generation, but 90s kids seem to think it’s a classic. The nostalgia pull is there. Plus let’s be honest: the sequel being better isn’t exactly an impossible task to pull off.
  14. I...didn't even know it was dropping in 2 weeks. 😬 (For whatever reason I assumed it was a mid/late August release.)
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