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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. You talk has if Liongates didn't had Tyler Perry and Liam Neeson ! That was Liongates theatrical slates for the time period of the last Saw movie: Liongates made 4.13 billion in revenues during that time frame, 1.822 billion from the Motion Pictures divisions, JigSaw made 103m at the Box office.
  2. Don't act like you were not the one taking an aggressive tone to start with, a -38% drop is the exact same drop than The Help had for the very same weekend, it is not a blind squirrel luck. If you do not want people pointing your mistake do not end your message with a : And I will be here next weekend. Or stuff like: That dude doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Implicating that you would have jump all over people ass if they would miss their prediction.
  3. Maybe it would need to be nominated across the board to be perceived as a contender (at least director) to have a significant effect. And the awards shows since the last Academy award had such a drop (the Oscar was one of the show with the smallest drop), the general trend down is so strong that chance are good the the spike in viewership could be just not dropping too much or a small raise being a big "win".
  4. Not that we know off, what he was accused for what electronic and phone correspondence with a family relative he knew in real life, that could have happened without being an actor. But yeah Munn large point is that giving a public high profile jobs could help aggressor achieve to be repeat offender without getting arrested more easily, at least that how I understand it. Not that him in particular was necessarily doing it (that we know of)
  5. There is an obvious difference if the person is working with kids (those employer can legally look at the people background before employing them), even more so if they have a position of authority with the kids like your example. If being on a 100% adult set doing scene with an adult like in this case is unacceptable, what work place would be acceptable ?
  6. Not the impression she gave on that interview: https://variety.com/2018/film/news/olivia-munn-says-fox-didnt-return-her-call-initially-after-reporting-predator-sex-offender-exclusive-interview-1202933315/ “The reason why it’s so important, especially in Hollywood, is because movies are so far reaching. And this kind of movie, it’s an international movie, it’s going to go global, or that’s our hope, and more people see that,” Munn said. She added: “When you have somebody on a big screen, no matter how small – we’ve all done little parts in movies – that little grain of fame is just enough to reach out and influence somebody who is impressionable and if you have somebody that has a history of using that to abuse children, that’s not OK in my book. And I do believe people deserve second chances, but I do have a hard line when it comes to people who hurt children or animals. You deserve to go make money, but not alongside me in a film. You can go work in a lot of other places or like make an Etsy store or something.” I am not 100% sure, but it did seem the fact the guy was an actor and not a cameraman or someone working in the accounting/marketing department at Fox was a factor for her. Maybe you are right, maybe she would have like a background check for 100% of the people involved and asked to anyone with any sexual history with a minors to be fired, but maybe not.
  7. Which rapist and which pedophiles ? The person in this current case was not accused of either: Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12, criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13. A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia.
  8. Spectacular for The Nun, yet to open: Belgium 12 September 2018 Egypt 12 September 2018 France 19 September 2018 South Korea 19 September 2018 Hong Kong 20 September 2018 Italy 20 September 2018 Russia 20 September 2018 Japan 21 September 2018 Norway 21 September 2018 Turkey 21 September 2018 Conjuring 2 France: 11.2m SK: 13.8m Russia: 4.3m Italy: 2.8m Norway: 2m Hong Kong: 1.7 Possible to have a 40m in market yet to open + the currents one legs. An other 300m entry, a 4th one.
  9. Disney biggest source of operating income is by streaming stuff, their network division revenues are 3 times the movie/TV division size.
  10. Was more in the sense AT&T just bought Time Warner last june, would be quite the surprise if they sell Warner to Disney right away (and if they do it would be because of an really nice price).
  11. No one would accept for a child sexual offender to be put alone with their kids, but is that quite the speculation that it is the case ?, they are no kids usually on a movie set, specially if he had only one scene. Like Brown said: @oliviamunn who was the only member of the principal cast who had to work with him.
  12. What work place would be acceptable for ex-convicted sexual offender if a movie set is unacceptable ? (Sexual offense, someone that tried to lure a far relative 14 year's old into having sex). I imagine no office jobs either ? Here Mun point do not seem about being unacceptable to be near a movie set, maybe some electrician tech are convicted sexual predator after all, but the fact that he had is face in the movies and that being possible to use as a tool to lure young people into having sex, because being a celebrity even low level can give you a bit of power.
  13. I think one line between the DUI/drugs type of past crime, you didn't had has the goal of your action to hurt someone even thought you put people life in dangers. When you sexual assault, making a victim is not a bad luck incident that was made more probably by your action, but your very action and sometime even part of the goal of the action. The actor did many high profile movie before this one, I am not sure the media would have reported that situation necessarily. But maybe, different era, could have been on of Munn motivation to help the studio get out of a backlash story. Apparently they gave the director a standing ovation while the rest of the crowd was applauding seated, it could very well be more than paranoia on her part.
  14. Haha, I am saying by that do not expect a movie to be great because it is clever and intelligent in a way of explaining how the narrative is, greatness in art came from any other form, like in music, lyrics and narrative have nothing to do with music being great or not.
  15. People stopping watching the show mid course affect rating I think. But yes, the actual show cannot have that big of an effect.
  16. It was on is wikipedia page since 2015 and on the sex offender public registery, convicted offender is public domain. Singer never got convicted I think, big difference, but he made a lot of noise for a lot of time, around days of future past release notably: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/x-men-director-bryan-singer-accused-sexually-abusing-15-year-old-boy-article-1.1759389 http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-hollywood-sex-20140510-story.html Probably why Munn is making a difference with behind and in front the camera, not sure it apply for a director but she would probably not ask an ex-convict to not be on the accounting team or sound editing team of the movie. Having has a debate a which spot are acceptable for ex-convict on a movie crew.
  17. Except many for a job that would involve being alone with a kid (and SAG rules on studio production do try to protect kids quite a bit on the workplace), studio's are California employer and it could illegal for them to look if someone has a sexual offender pass. That one seem to be on Black.
  18. That was on Shane Black Iron Man 3, looking at is IMDB credit he was working. Misfits (post-production) Guy Raunch and Roll (post-production) Tommy Tucker Hallucinogen (completed) Professor McCormick 20181st Born (completed) Gerald 2017Dirty Lies Dirk 2017Swing State Steve 2016Last Man Club Dr. Cliff Darby 2016The Nice Guys Perry the Lawyer 2013Iron Man 3
  19. Pedophilia isn't a crime and I am not sure it was ever said he is one, the news made him sound like an ephebophile or a hebephile at worst. Imo, convicted child sexual assaulter cannot get back to a 100% normal life once they leave, they cannot be put in position of authority of children, any jobs/hobby that could have them alone with one and so on. Extra consequence that are not for child safety can easily go into the unusual punishment side and I imagine that why it is illegal in many state for employer (that are not school or other special case) to look at sexual offender registry.
  20. First movie praise is more about the execution like the exposition being all time great, the score, the incredible blocking and camera work, yes some clever affair like at the beginning in the helicopter when the professor has 2 female connector of the seat belts and find away to make it work. Movie are not great for being clever and intelligent, who of all people that have Jurassic World 2 has is favorite 2018 summer movie of all people know that very well. Or in the same way the Beethoven fifth is so clever and intelligent.
  21. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/toronto-neil-jordans-psychological-thriller-greta-nabbed-by-focus-4-million-1140836 Toronto: Neil Jordan's Psychological Thriller 'Greta' Nabbed by Focus for $4 Million.... A source pegged the deal at about $4 million. https://deadline.com/2018/09/greta-focus-features-deal-neil-jordan-chloe-grace-moretz-isabelle-huppert-toronto-film-festival-1202460048/ Focus Features Closes $6 Million Deal For Neil Jordan Thriller ‘Greta:’ Toronto Lionsgate and NEON also bidding, but Focus stalked the stalker tale hardest. I’m hearing the result is a $6 million deal for North America, Australia and China. Focus already had acquired U.K. rights to the film before the festival. Along with North American rights, Focus also picked up Australia and New Zealand and China. So about 4M domestic, 2M for UK, Australia, NZ and China.
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