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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Watched for the first time also last week, well just the first half, did anyone found extremely bizarre the long of moment of the Stranger Times corrupt cops that help him for apparently no reason (the black mail / who knows what he did to get is collaboration being cut of the final movie), while shooting that doing so is killing him ? That made no sense to me.
  2. I would imagine because he would have not got over 250m budget and a giant paycheck + back end to do that. According to a recent Gibson interview, he said that Roy productions started them and they made sure to go fast with a quick release before them and was motivated by an powerful exec/producer that he had pissed off.
  3. When they do pay (but I would imagine they are pushing the this is really good for you and have in your contract a lot of visibility included in marketing to not pay the actor) that is sure and if you achieve to lock yourself into doing those blockbuster for a long time it is also a really good career move (after a while you should be able to cash it big). If I inferred in that text it was a bad move I was misunderstood, I am very literal when I challenge how good of a movie it is I am not implying without directly saying that it is a bad one. Not sure X-Men was that good for her, but Hunger Games, a bit like Twilight for Stewart before, was an 80m outside the studio smaller affair and that could be said for almost just her among all that cast.
  4. Does not tend to hurt no (while outside of some freak schedule complication event), but huge budget franchise filled with actions track record to be good for a career is not that impressive, from the last 20 year's of Transformer, Lords of the Rings / Hobbit, Pirates, X-Mens, Potter, Bond, Star Wars, Planet of the Apes, MCU/DCEU, the Spider Mans, Bourne, well I imagine a semi long list I forget. Would not be that easy to name 5 actress for who it was such the good career move, Watson, Johansson, Gadot for sure, must have been for Knightley also I would imagine. But not so sure go make those instead of a good director movie if that ever option if front of them is necessarily that good of an career move.
  5. Went to took a look, I think you will be underwhelmed if you do.
  6. Trump is a good reminder for when people want the federal government to have a lot of power and so on, one big issue here is gut nuts seem to love him, historically when the gun nuts/conspiracy type start to love the guy in power instead of fearing/hating it like it tend to naturally be the case, it tend to not go too well.
  7. If they really went cheaper for this than the first one unadjusted, that would show they had really realistic expectation and should be fine has long it does not collapse oversea. 62m is almost exactly Equalizer 63m budget, the nature of the financing seem to have changed a bit with no Lone Star/Village road Show involved. Equalizer 1 had a studio break even point at 118.4m WW with a budget + participation cost of 67.8m and a 75m world release budget It had a Return break set at $164m WW (82 dbo/82 intl), for a profit of 17.14m around that point and a actual movie budget raising at 72m with Denzel/Fuqua making more money.
  8. Well she already did, getting released next weekend. Has for the good career move, 20 movies in, for how many actress was it particularly a good career move to get involved in those outside Johansson ?
  9. But that list still has a 2000s blockbuster over Dark Knight. Lords of The rings is still above on They shoot picture it is expected for the newer movie to gain ground for a while until it stabilize, I was looking for where he could have fund that most critics put Dark Knight has the best blockbuster of the 2000s.
  10. Don't look too much at the extra in the background during the battle, they can be quite funny.
  11. Nolan is quite known to shoot not many take and quick, combined with not using massive CGI to correct stuff nor use reshoot that lead to those really strange moments ending up in the final product, Scorsese had a camera bump in Casino because it was the take with is favorite performance, you can see the sound guy and the boom a long time in The Exterminating Angel, there is money responsibility/possibility ( or just scheduling issue) when you see an error to redo it or not.
  12. Braveheart also as quite the strange extras in the background, those movie are not made to pass a test of people watching them at home with scrutiny, more like a magician that know were your attention will be and taking advantage of it.
  13. I imagine so, after a similar OW it is almost 30m above the first Hunger games (405m run) at day 26 (369m vs 339.6) and only 5m under Iron Man 3 (409m run) despite a 26m smaller OW. https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/custom-comparisons-extended/Jurassic-World-Fallen-Kingdom-(2018)/Hunger-Games-The/Iron-Man-3 If it has worst relative legs and just keep is current advance over the HG it would finish around 435m, significantly worst legs could still push it at 415.
  14. 180.2m 2015 dollar is around 191.6m in today dollar. Should play really similarly.
  15. Moviepass existance really didn't reduce the cheap Tuesday effect, it could have happened if many movie goers can go anytime of the week, it is even yet hard to see any impact, maybe it has something to do with how well the documentary seem to be doing right now at least ? HT 3 +69% and many movie around +50/60%, it is getting out of control.
  16. I have yet to rewatch it so it could change if I ever do, but it was my favorite of the Nolan series. A giant blockbuster using the french revolution (specially the terror phase) set in modern time with the villain based on a gypsy boxing champ + old cartoon villain voice... it was nuts.
  17. At 26 if it follow those multiplier: 2 guns: 2.794 -> 72.644 Equalizer: 2.974 -> 77.324 Mag 7: 2.69 -> 69.94 It has full summer days run, but is a direct sequel + mediocre reviews + Mission Impossible coming for that audience. It is Denzel playing what marketing study told him what audience prefer the most watching him do (being the mean powerful guy protecting weaker one) to a ridiculous level, but he played that formula so many time. Not too bad if it can achieve a good for Denzel 1:1 dbo/ibo and if they kep that budget cheap around 65m like on the first, but no margin to come under tracking a la Skyscraper. Mamma Mia can go much higher than 30m, come-on.
  18. That what I understand also, WB attempt to launch the DCEU was not that much influenced by Dark Knight, I am not sure why people said that.
  19. Many people that engage in that conversation of a movie influence on the industry do not necessarily care for them, I do not care for Dark Knight, never achieved to see to the end Iron Man, there is some objective part of measuring going on that is possible to make.
  20. The only part is not right is being an hot take part, Nolan himself will say that it is in good part a The Heat remake: https://www.slashfilm.com/the-dark-knight-michael-mann-influences/ He told variety that he screened Heat for all his department heads before going into production. In the case of The Dark Knight, we’re attempting to tell a very large, city story or the story of a city. In the same way that, I don’t know, Michael Mann’s films, like Heat or something. That was sort of an inspiration. If you want to take on Gotham, you want to give Gotham a kind of weight and breadth and depth in there. So you wind up dealing with the political figures, the media figures. That’s part of the whole fabric of how a city is bound together.
  21. Better effort at actually writing something, but you had to spoil it with stupid emoticon use at the end to make sure. Has for captured on purpose with a plan, Seven and many others. I have never seen Green Lantern, but was it really Dark Knightish ? That true that it would have been a mistake.
  22. How ridiculously hot she is relative to how Ferrel character talk about her and to her is a running joke in that movie.
  23. Both were a bit of a joke (because Owen is in contention for biggest "box office poison" of modern time, for some strange reason because he is quite good), the general point was that they still did quite over other massive bomb, we cannot know if she didn't help them with her massive social media reach. Maybe those movie could have significantly less and I meant by that a lot less like 2,3 if not 4% less without her, without having the parallel universe were her role is played by an unknown I am really unsure how one know she didn't helped those movies.
  24. I think there is a reason Nolan is making studio movie and those big budget Villeneuve one are indies.
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