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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. The post joined the Fast&Furious crew Dwayne Johnson missed the 30m mark 5 times (before fast&furious was a different world for him and I imagine not really count to make prediction) Journey 2: 27.3m Snitch: 13.16m (Liongates not studio release, 2,500 theater), not really a good comparable. Pain&Gain: 20.24m (but was not a Johnson movie, a Bay movie foremost) Hercules 29.8m (could say 30m, but not over 30m) Baywatch: 18.5m He went over 30m outside the franchise entry an impressive 3 times already. San Andreas: 55m Central intelligence: 35m Rampage: 36m And one argument could be made about Jumanji missing that mark without him. So it is easy to believe in an around mid 30 openning for Skycraper, the reviews are more than good enough for that proposition, it had the superbowl push and it is getting a franchise blockbuster type of TV suppport (targeting an audience that actually still watch ads) with good attention index metric, already getting close to 4,000 national airing for the main spot. +Syfy, E!, usa network, paramount network, TNT, NBC, history channel custom made spot. But also easy to believe in a 27-28m openning, it is still not a sequel with a 55% RT score and timid pre-sales, Johnson with an big production budget->big spectacle and the giant marketing that come with it, the popular and simple high concept should be enough to push it but it is never an automatic for those.
  2. I guess so, but almost everyone is at risk at doing the same.
  3. Nah English is a second language and I struggle a lot with it, it is not you. To make it simpler and shorter: Take that part: I mean, I don't blame them when she tried to make Amber Heard seem like a mess and all. Is it because she is at her core a trash person or it is a long mechanism to please her trash audience and keep making money that make her do stuff like that a kind of survival mechanism. Pure Internet click bait working for themselves will be molded by what their audience prefer and making money off franchise war / Internet geek culture like she do, that will result in doing stuff like that, saying anything to please/tease them.
  4. Opinions when they enter the realm of somewhat objectivity with some rules that exist (like movie math / box office) become very open to critics. Piles of trash is going far, people going for clicks with the type of audience she is trying to get (Internet male geeks / franchise wars stuff) will be pushed really strongly by the powerful web carrot / stick incentive platform install to become trash, that would be hard to resist for a monk.
  5. Almost 100% of Serious stuff has now passed to clickbait, but specially for something like Forbes, they have a blog section that people rent and publish and are quite freelancer. If you look just on the side of Scott name on is article there is a little warning saying: Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own That said, are you not the one making the click-baiting here, Scott never said AM&TW will make less than AM ? IT said that it may do so, an under 2.377 multi being possible now aday for a sequel.
  6. Yeah no one will fake surprise either, everyone was expecting this to get really good reviews like the previous franchise entries and non-franchise entrie those 2 made together. Faking to be surprised would just make you look very stupid no ?
  7. At what performance at the box office something is in crushing category vs 657m WW ? 750+ ? It does sound unlikely. I have read many many message about ant-man not being a flop, all ok, etc.... but does any serious person ever said otherwise ? To who (non-troll) those message are addressed to ?
  8. Jack Black has a lot of people liking him and is also a good way for studio to send a clear signal that the movie will be child appropriate while still being possible to enjoy it has an adult (that something the Jumanji casting did extremely well). Reading the marketing study made for that movie and the audience having seen the trailer, Jack Black fan were 31% of that movie possible General audience and the interest among them was significantly higher than the non-fan audience.
  9. Well by that logic people often bring lot of stuff that has nothing to do with box office, like a movie net budget... It is obviously not a pure box office discussion message board despite is name.
  10. Net budget is probably close to the alleged $162M First Ant-Man gross budget was around 170m gross (106m spent in the state of Georgia shoot + california shoot + post production in the UK), for what I imagine 140m net or so. A 190-200m gross with a $162M net Ant-Man make a lot of sense, an other big win for Marvel.
  11. One would think no, but many find Ford presence elevated Force Awaken instead of stopping and removing the energy of that movie (what I thought about it personally) and it did over 2B, so who knows.
  12. Judging a writer work by looking at a movie is already quite flawed (in general but even more if there is more than one writer credited on it and on such a troubled production), looking at is box office in a vacuum is even stranger. Would make more sense if someone would have read the actual script they submitted and not seen the movie.
  13. Was there ever a Black Widow plan without her in the role ?, I am not sure I follow here.
  14. What happened, what is going on ? a 50M Keven Feige MCU movie....
  15. With that director first action movie, looking at what he did in the pass pretty much, should not make people move their prediction needle on way or an other, most have predicted that reception I imagine.
  16. Not sure why one should care about a director or actor personality much if at all (seem like an American thing), but in order of importance of a successful actor with large green light power: 1) Type of movie they make greenlight happen. 2) Type of budget to which director and how much power in their hands they receive ................ 267) Being a nice guy. Very selfish, but movie star existing is only a piece of conversation that make sense in which movie exist because they do versus if they would not. No ? Has for Dwayne Johnson, he is giving quite nice budget to filmmaker right now, to movie that would not exist at least at those scale, with Rampage and this (his first 2 movie that he seem really fully in charge, Red Notice being the next one) and he seem doing a throwback fun/simple high spectacle movies that I have yet to watch but have their place, so good for him and those type of movie fanbase. Has for the whose head has not swelled due to his success. part, that sound almost impossible, maybe because that amount of giant success came late enough, but how would one try to judge something like this: 1) Quality of the roles is co-star get to have on is project 2) Does is project feel like the director movie or is movie 3) If he accept to work with an establish co-star does it turn out in ego war to the point they cannot shoot together and split the franchise.... 4) Everytime he make a movie does it feel like Will Smith extremely swelled head era, trying to be the biggest live action non franchise movie of the year ? 5) Does he gloat about stuff like is box office ? He certainly feel like he is being realistic (took so many decade of work to achieve it helping), but it must be impossible for an human to not have an high ego at this point.
  17. Not only the movie events being in Asia, but also looking at the last 2 Die Hards they were quite intl driven, the one in 2013: Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $67,349,198 22.1% + Foreign: $237,304,984 77.9% = Worldwide: $304,654,182
  18. Someone on this message board posted a python script running website that look at all the sales made on the fandango website that you can follow here: https://www.fandango.com/dataviz/index.html Instead of counting them by hands, the site he made does it for you: http://akvalley.pythonanywhere.com/static/Fandango_track.txt The numbers I posted is simply in excel accumulating all the sales of the days (combining 3d/imax/fan event's sales for the same movie into one number)
  19. For the filling: https://www.scribd.com/document/383526605/Depp-Punch#from_embed?campaign=SkimbitLtd&ad_group=87443X1540253Xcc5bb2e12b6d239954a4ad84bae416bf&keyword=660149026&source=hp_affiliate&medium=affiliate That story probably was well known by the industry before becoming an public allegation. If true the fact the guy lost is job for not signing an NDA that he would not talk to anyone / sue because of the incident the next morning and that he went and try to find a cop to be with him to announce the news to Depp, fearing is reaction, it must have been well known and common behavior when people knew he was drunk on set. The fact director send someone to announce him the news also pointing to that. It would really be the public / court nature to it if it does something and not the actions themselves.
  20. Has anyone serious said that after Guardian of the Galaxy 1 first weekend ? or Will Smith cast announcement ? But they still had Joker + batman cameo in there, probably some exec having that thought in mind.
  21. That would make more sense if they would leaked something in the media, talk that they are readyto do it but Marvel say no in the trade or leaking some test footage/script, etc....
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