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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. The awkward thing is they’re only sort of changing. They get the angst of flushing some movies from the timeline, but it’s unclear how much this will get the benefits of a clean slate. I think in a twisted way Wonder Woman made all of this harder — if that hadn’t been the massive success it was then it’s easy to do an ~total hard reboot in 2018 and just pick things up with like, Aquaman and Battinson as the start of a new universe.
  2. Seems like changing the MoS ending should also affect Aquaman and TSS, but I guess logic goes out the window with this stuff anyway.
  3. Looked at the release calendar closer, guess the top 6 will be Morbius+Jackass Moonfall Marry Me Nile Uncharted.
  4. I also feel like establishing the idea that you might wipe films from the timeline at any point is kind of a bad precedent for getting people invested in a universe.
  5. Talking overall. But of course it is the later seasons that are to blame — all that setup is rather diminished when it’s setting up… that.
  6. I think the markets that are going to (re)open should be able to do like 75M, although I admit I haven’t been keeping up with phillipines situation that much.
  7. Even this late into the run, LPLC gonna LPLC 😛
  8. “Lol 😅”… what? If you’re suggesting this is too much you simply betray your unfamiliarity with the market. It’d take like 80% of EG, basically O/U IW, just +40% FFH — maybe even a bit less than that depending on how low it finishes in reality. USD ATP is decently higher.
  9. I don’t plan to spend too much time over here but I think this is a good general solution. Imo this is unlikely to go over well receptionwise or BOwise, but there is some room for the specific execution to go over better than expected. People have been thinking that this might wipe the Snyder stuff from canon for a while, and Batflexk being done is expected, but transitioning to a no Batman+no Superman model is… unexpected. Also if we’re erasing movies from continuity with a one-shot story gimmick, should have erased WW84 😛
  10. Everyone is talking about no one talking about Yellowstone.
  11. The weekend record lists go from limited release instead of wide, it's annoying.
  12. If you exude sniper and revenant then the cutoff is Endgame's 30M, seems pretty achievable.
  13. Just give the rrr screens to Spidey I guess, nothing else is making money next weekend
  14. The primary cultural and BO factors around this movie cannot be discussed at all for the next 11 months? Dead thread I guess. Seems like some kind of new policy for these sort of situations could be useful, even if it's just making a super early spoiler thread or something.
  15. Looks like a 7th ranked or so 3rd weekend. I’ll update when Sony finally gives us actuals but I’m not faring so well in our contest so far @RiddlerXXR
  16. 2021 and 2022 would probably be pretty K shaped even if covid never happened. This was a popular topic of complaint in 2018-2019 iirc.
  17. Now that's what I'm talking about, 55ish is back on the menu
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