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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. They will... also be doing radically better in a few months 😁
  2. There is no hill to die on. No tiff to be had. Feige wants theatrical release, Disney brass will want theatrical release, kumbayas all ‘round. Of course. That’s not remotely under discussion here or over at Disney. In fact, we can go further — Black Widow will be release by the end of July one way or another.
  3. $0 0-day windows haven’t been hitting movies like WW and The Little Things that much. Have to imagine $30 0-day windows hurt even less. If you only have a party of 1 or 2 (or even larger in certain parts of country and certain days) it’s straight up cheaper to buy tickets. On the other hand if you think your kids will want to rewatch, PA gains in value there.
  4. The solution is simple. By March, Disney higher ups will simply look around at virus nums and see that Feige was right about a pure theatrical release all along.
  5. DC3 is probably still inflated by initial fake reviews. Expecting 8.4-8.5 end of run. Good chances on WW2, TFA looks about a coinflip to me atm. Notably at current ER, TFA in $ is only about a 6% higher target than WW2 in ¥.
  6. Thanks. Interesting. They’ve been happy to play $0 0-day window hybrids, so I assume they’ll come around on $30 0-day hybrids.
  7. Anybody know when Raya tickets go on sale? Might be the first movie since Tenet/WW84 worth tracking a bit.
  8. Hawkeye is like Nov/Dec, even without any connections to anything this would never go later than July, so the connection isn’t going to influence anything.
  9. Hell, it could even happen with the very movie whose thread we’re in Though for now I have DOM about 20-30% higher.
  10. I think it’s an underrated possibility that most MCU solos, even the weaker ones, will do 900-1.1B nowadays. I know some people don’t like to compare WW ranks as a way to adjust across time, but it’s at least pretty interesting that TWS/Ragnarok level WW finish will be ~930+ by the time this comes out.
  11. Damn, I was too slow. Yeah Hi Mom should at least get a top 2 finish. DC3 hoping for top 5. I think it settle at 5th.
  12. Tragically the exchange rate in 2019 looks positively good nowadays. Endgame would lose a further 25% in USD now that $1 is worth nearly 5.5 BRL 😔
  13. Wooooooo, party I hope we can see some good numbers here in time for Black Widow at least, whether it’s pure theatrical or a hybrid model.
  14. Yeah, don’t see much chance for DC3 to win this thing. Rough for Venom’s club 😛
  15. 2.7 PSm, 44.5% CGV, 78.5k day. Sun PS 11k, maybe 72k day or so. Should have stuck with 220 😅 Chances to beat Tenet for top Pandemic HW look pretty good now, though we’ll need next week to really lock it up. Not seeing any big presales for openers this week, so I’m optimistic.
  16. Official Maoyan is down to 9.0, adjusting for fake positives that’s probably like mid 8s real. CNY highest PS curse continues 🤣 Still got that 1B OD and multiple days over previous single day record out of the deal, which has been pretty exciting.
  17. Sure, I’m not a physical format snob. But as a BO enthusiast and Marvel fan, I’d prefer the option that gives a bigger more exciting run, and more profit. Nope. If piracy wasn’t a thing this would be a lot closer to being true though. Terrible theatrical revenue, unclear how much it will actually help with subscriptions. Hardly a shining success story that inspires others to follow suit (this isn’t just some fanboy thing, I don’t think releasing Soul for free was wise either although I immensely enjoyed it as a consumer).
  18. Feige will let it release, theatrically, when the time is right. Like May.
  19. Nielsen data from the premier week dropped, I commented a bit about it in this thread Also ep 6 is 9.2 on IMDb, breaking the always increasing streak. I suspect it will settle in high 8s. Hopefully 7,8,9 are all mid-high 9 range.
  20. Nice 2.9 PSm, 44.4% CGV, for 65k day. Sat PS at 13k, could go for 85k or so. Back to ~230-250k for the weekend.
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