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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. I thought CGV ratio would rise from Wed’s 52%, so not that shocked. I think imbruglia’s explanation of being IMAX heavy and IMAX skewing CGV is compelling to make up the rest of the gap.
  2. 14k PS for Fri is pretty normal relatively to Thurs, low relative to Wed. Not sure if it can maintain that near 4x PSm, but if it does will be looking at ~96k.
  3. Hah, beaten by matter of minutes. PSm is going from about 2x yesterday to about 4x today, will need to keep this in mind for future culture day openers since it's very unlike non culture day opener patterns. I will be a bit more conservative with 80k today, should be about 500k for 3-day and a Sun cume of 6-7 with sneaks. Unless atmosphere worsens appreciably in next 3 days, I couldn't comment on hoe plausible that is or not.
  4. Like I said 5 hours ago, really low. More to do with covid than the movie itself I think.
  5. Looking at some summer culture day 100k+ openers from 2019-2015, 50%+ Thursday drop would be quite unprecedented for a movie with good reception. Clearly related to the external factors imbruglia brought up. But to the extent those affect Th, will probably also affect FSS. Based on this either culture day Openers, MI:6, MI:5, and Dunkirk I think I’ll expect a 5-7x Th:FSS, adding 330-500 for a ~500-650k 5-day, $3.5-$5M 5-day (without previews).
  6. Ths PS 11k, may go for full day ~60k??? FSS PS don’t look very encouraging to me either, but will wait 24 hours to try to get that close on the 3-day.
  7. 15-20 is where I've been thinking for a while. Definitely seems like it got its wings clipped from the covid resurgence.
  8. Naver verified up to 9.1, the early 1 getting washed away. OTOH, initial egg comes in at 91%. I take egg a bit more seriously but both are still liable to move around a fair bit. As far as daily pace it’s about normal, maybe slightly slower than hoped. Don’t know exactly how evening it will skew but would adjust expectations to 140s. With discounted tickets thanks to culture day should be ~$900k
  9. Currently Naver 8.7 verified (16 reviews) 9.1 all audience (203 reviews) Nolan comps: Inception 9.6, 9.23 Interstellar 9.1, 9.1 Dunkirk 8.6, 8.3 Not enough reviews for egg to show a % yet, but visually inspecting I think initial reading will be 94-95ish, probably drop a bit later on. Dunkirk 93% Interstellar 94% Inception 99%
  10. Ahh, it’s been so long since I’ve commented in an OS movie specific thread. If it does open to 40-45 in those markets I wonder what kind of legs we’d get. Finish in the mid-high 100s maybe? Then China plays a big role in final OS total, as usual.
  11. Deadline clearly not sure what to expect, but this general ballpark seems pretty reasonable to me? https://deadline.com/2020/08/tenet-international-box-office-preview-1203022539/
  12. 35k CGV PS for OD. My guess will be 155 for full day. 3x from the 5-day is really really tough, so far legs haven’t really been better than usual for movies in this period.
  13. Presumably previews Tues as well then, may have racked up some 200k admits before formal OD.
  14. Yeah, was going off this and Maoyan website showing 803, both round to 800. Hopefully the final agreed upon number that’s still the case.
  15. Hey. Just noticed we had a perfect ¥800M weekend, and nobody pointed it out yet???
  16. I have a hunch that 800s 4th wknd will beat Tenet’s 2nd. But let’s see how 800’s 2nd goes first 😛
  17. Yeah, 2021 may also need an asterisk if China is running (mostly) normally for 12 months and US for just 9 or something. 2022 I think will be safe to remove covid asterisks from yearly results. It’s possible that China would have beaten DOM under normal conditions too in a year that has to get asterisked, but the ambiguity of counterfactuals is why you can’t give either a clean win.
  18. Not sure if serious. Regardless of where covid hit and when, the whole year has almost no relationship to general BO strength of a market. When people ask “when will China pass DOM” this is clearly not what’s meant imo. Thus, asterisk.
  19. I think DOM has very little chance this year. But naturally comes with a huge asterisk.
  20. More Tenet advanced shows today, should be top 3 again. That means EOD PS are going to be pretty weak, but the demand burn from hardcore fans this wknd should help OD PSm
  21. I see the irrationally anti-VOD squad is for some reason suggesting that Mulan being available on more channels in a bad thing for it financially 🧐 Makes absolutely zero sense, but what else can you expect I guess 😂
  22. Yes, agreed. Overall there is a lot of conflation imo between: money loser performing below expectations outright all-around bad run in some subjective sense which while positively correlated with each other are not quite the same thing. And that pre-existing fuzziness will be exacerbated in the short term future where you might have a movie that, e.g. has a good run and beats expectations but doesn’t turn a profit. I try not to use “bomb” unless it meets all 3 criteria in my opinion, but sometimes people use it for movies that meet exactly 1 or 2 it can cause a lot of confusion and needless arguing.
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