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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. I think they’ll absolutely have a strategy going by May, probably just relatively normal exhibition in a partially vaccinated world. But if they don’t feel comfortable with their options in say, March, which is possible, there’s a chance the BW is that May movie with Eternals July and Shang-Chi Oct or something.
  2. I think it's better to make a profit now rather than delay the entire MCU schedule again Def agree with this. The question is how much really gets held up by a BW delay. Right now we’ve got films in Nov 2020, Feb 21, May 21, Dec 21. So between July/Aug/Oct/Nov they left themselves plenty of room to push the next 3 without having to delay the father out ones further.
  3. Being profitable or not with just OS isn’t really what’s important though. It’s how much difference in expected profit. E.g. a movie that would do -20M now and +20M later has a much less compelling case for delay than one that would do +100 now and +350 later.
  4. Yeah, if the Kang rumors are true I think it’s safe to say that this will be a much bigger role than just this movie. It sounds like he may be the primary antagonist though, much more of a role than e.g. Thanos getting introduced in GOtG1.
  5. Cassie >> Scott. With Cap and Thanos retired I guess Cassie >> all... though Emma Furhman version may not be nearly as adorable as Abby Ryder Fortson version.
  6. Damn, beaten by a minute. I enjoy both movies in the franchise a lot, but the low key nature has led to some low key box office. I hope they really amps things up for this third one, like with Ragnarok.
  7. Here’s a crude little calculation — new locs this weekend are about 1/28 of last weekend. *If* the PTA among them matched last weekend’s among the rest, that’s 300-350k or so. But new areas are probably disproportionately from areas that pull a lot of weight, so maybe the new ones did 500k or so. Then same locs are ~6.2-6.3, is... an exactly 29% drop from a holiday adjusted 8.8 last wknd. -34% without the correction.
  8. With WB reporting 29% drop, last FSS is revealed to be 9.4. This weekend 3 of top 5 locs were LA locs not open last weekend, so same locs hold is a bit worse but hard to say just how much.
  9. Mon cume 20.2 (WB est) Tues-Th ~2-2.5M (keyser/Jat ests) Th cume ~22.5 Last FSS ~9.4M (holiday boosted Sun, otherwise high 8s) 30 on Sun would be a 7.5 FSS, maybe ~15% drop post holiday adjustment. I expect Sun about 29, ~6.5FSS, ~26% drop post holiday adjustment
  10. This name change was originally slated for Sep 26th but insider sources are indicating that it will soon be pushed to Dec 11.
  11. I literally think Xmas 2021 more likely than Xmas 2020. Neither very likely at all though. We’ve bought like 2 months before seeing the new new date, at least.
  12. Oh. I see. Well no wonder this conservation wasn’t going to go anywhere 😆
  13. Piracy gives bad opening, score gives bad legs. Would have been better to open pre-piracy for sure, maybe twice as good an OW or more. But it would still drop precipitously, so the difference in terms of rev for Disney wouldn’t be that big.
  14. This is a pretty ignorant view of how it’s decided to allow things to open.
  15. Well, RIP. I guess silver lining is with a score like that it wouldn’t have been a truly big total whether they release it last wknd, in August, or even if there was no covid and it came out in March
  16. Final day clearly not following F2. Maybe add 7 or something.
  17. I have F2 doing just 2.6 from 15:00 to midnight, what are you looking at exactly?
  18. Morning looked like +4.8-5musing F2 comp, came in at 4.7. So maybe shave a couple % from what the above Multis give, but seems like that may just be normal for Disney family fic. Alternatively, yday morning could have been boosted by PS just starting in the previous afternoon. Who knows.
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