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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Looks like I got none of the next 5 right, but I’ll take it in spirit. Should have been thinking about Xmas 2021 instead apparently.
  2. Interesting that this is now slated as the 2nd Phase 4 movie, moving up before Eternals despite starting production starting way later.
  3. Assuming this has to come after BW for plot reasons, now looking at June maybe. Loki and/or What If might be able to go first depending on how disrupted their productions get.
  4. Just saw this, I think. Imo theaters will still exist but as a novel way for a relatively niche group of people to see movies that are released digitally the same day.
  5. I guess I never posted here. Looking back after a year I think I have to give it an A, just short of the +. I’m really, really glad that they made the time travel work logically — that’s a huge sticking point for me and I would have to dock it like a full letter grade if they had bungled it. I liked act 1 the most and act 3 the least, though act 3 has the most iconic moments for sure. Killing IW’s Thanos in the first couple dozen minutes was a ballsy surprise, but the movie kind of suffers for it later as 2014 Thanos is not as compelling an antagonist and didn’t even do the things that the heroes suffered from — e.g. “I don’t even know who you are.” Most of the characters get a good arc in terms of how they’ve dealt with grief over the time skip, though the aftermath of Black Widow’s death gets kind of rushed through. They didn’t really know what to do with Captain Marvel it seems — “I’m too powerful to be part of the main mission so I’ll just be offscreen doing shit in space” was not exactly a satisfying payoff to the IW stinger. Still, mostly very very good. Entertaining, emotional, well-paced despite the runtime.
  6. Unhinged+Mutants vs current markets for Tenet could be really close, both probably headed for low 50s or so.
  7. Ahh, this is some classic BOT stuff. Anyway looks like the updated weekend was actually 4.6, so that’s a 28% PTA drop. If it keeps dropping like that current markets would add 6.8*2.5 for 17 and a total of 53M. I do wonder if we’ll start to see reclosures soon though — the weekly haul at some of these places has gotta be really low without much hope of replenishment on the horizon.
  8. Thank god for this show or I wouldn’t have a single name worthy property in 2020. I might have had to become covid legion or something if Arendelle became too stale, and that would have been sad times.
  9. I must admit, Hailee Steinfeld has somehow become the most attached I’ve ever been to a fancast/rumored cast. Regardless of actor I’m very excited to see Kate Bishop introduced and hopefully get some badass stuff from Clint.
  10. Very excited for the time variance authority and seeing how this will tie in with DS in the MoM. And Thor? Maybe? Who knows.
  11. Cool Eric goes on an MCU D+ thread making spree, guess it’s time for an MCU D+ comment making spree. I hope that each episodes premise is considered canon to the multiverse, and the Jeffrey Wright shows up in the same role in some LA properties. But this is one of the phase 4 properties I’m most curious about either way. Fingers crossed that they’ve been continuing to get some work done on the pandemic and we get to see at least S1 in 2021.
  12. Very curious to see the timeline of this and how it interacts with Captain Marvel 2. Visual effects for her powers could be a little tricky to pull off, but I have faith in the Feigefather (and the 200M budget or whatever it is)
  13. We don’t even have a weekend thread as far as I can tell, so...
  14. So maybe 2.8 weekdays, 32 cume, 4.5 wknd for ~36.5 cume. Overall week some 7.3 without new markets. Seems headed to about 55 from these, dunno what NY, SF, etc will add eventually.
  15. Alternatively, things are getting worse in Europe and Bond movies have always performed big in a Europe. So yeah, it’s gonna be an easy decision.
  16. No, not really. A bit below Corpse expectations from presales. Nolan movies usually don’t have spectacular legs in the market, would head for $20M or so from there. That’s not bad, 3rd highest Nolan, pretty much what people were expecting. But considering there’s essentially no covid effect here, not “very good” either.
  17. I think the top 5 has a real chance to be Bad boys and 4 Chinese locals, but I don’t think 800 would be at the top of that list.
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