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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. A lotta of people who didn’t know that logo when they walked into the movie did know it a week later. Iirc the Captain Marvel Wikipedia page had crazy page views after IW.
  2. In the eyes of the people I often see lobbing this kind of criticism... yeah, pretty much having an all or very predominantly female cast of protagonists is enough to get the job done.
  3. That’s all you need. Really too bad that IW didn’t have a 2nd post-credits scene suggesting that AM&tW would be critical to Endgame, would have been nice to have 6 billies in a row
  4. Excellent post @Barnack,, gonna bookmark this for future times this silly discussion comes up.
  5. I don’t agree with the broader thesis, but presumably they’re talking about Charlie’s Angels, Terminator:Dark Fate, and to some degree perhaps Rhythm Section, Black Christmas, The Kitchen, MIB:I, and Booksmart.
  6. If only they followed the visionary tactics of Universal, tickets would have been on sale for a month already 😛
  7. I’m optimistic on 200 atm, but gonna have to see the actual OS opening and 2nd weekend before we have a great idea one way or another.
  8. Uhh, I mean... some of them are though. Probably all of them. As long as it’s to a very small degree I don’t think anything needs to be done about it, but trying to pretend that all the mods are robots seems unrealistic.
  9. Didn't know Downhill was so few theaters. If that opens low enough to give KO an 11th top 10 it’d be pretty sweet.
  10. Don’t worry BB, you’re safe. That’s not poisoning the well because no one could take it seriously.
  11. Great example. Even purely factual, on-topic posts with 0 editorializing have elicited anger and negative reactions. To be clear, I’m overall behind removing the fanboy war thread. I kind of understand the impetus behind its existence, but I’ve also felt for a longtime that it might be net increasing bad vibes around here rather than being a helpful outlet for them.
  12. Well this should be an interesting experiment. However, I feel like this rule of thumb Would lead to not posting a lot of comments that are perfectly fine and valuable. Put another way: reasonable people can correctly expect unreasonable people to be mad about lots of posts that aren’t malicious/trolling/against (previous) rules. Not trying to be difficult, that just seemed a bit overly broad.
  13. 4 9 11.7 8.3 33 Seems to me like +30% Sat leads to a very normal previews:OW. Shazam 2 is also coming out before AQM2, but I agree with the main point that, for better and worse, DC films mostly rise and fall on their individual qualities rather than overall brand strength.
  14. So we’re gonna have 4 big CBMs this year: BW WW84 Venom 2 Eternals and 4 small ones: BoP Bloodshot New Mutants Morbius Did I miss any? Was pretty amused to find 8 in what I’d been thinking of as a CBM light year.
  15. I’d say probably, but a WW total above TLJ’s DOM opening could be tough.
  16. Maybe call that a 40M FSS? Bit lower? Something like 33 DOM+47 OS=80M WW OW or so. Total should be targeting the 90+130M (including Japan) =220M range or so, at an initial glance.
  17. Well geez, just give away the whole movie why dontcha
  18. Yeah, the WW leak was clearly legit. But, there’s a spectrum of reactions. No way to know for sure how the audience will feel about it until they get their hands on it.
  19. So good. I was kind of nervous before it came out, too.
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