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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Strange thing is that they actually gave a realistic Sun for Mal this time instead of a totally silly one.
  2. Vs studio number for Sun in parens. Note that this won’t exactly reflect est vs actual since Fri and Sat also change slightly. Looks like a kind of brutal Sunday.
  3. About $76M, 10.3 admits, 2nd highest HW at the time. I am personally expecting F2 to make top 5 at least, but gotta see reception to be sure.
  4. Strong pacing today, should be 585 minimum with good chance at 600+. From here 1M looks really good and it could honestly get pretty close to IW PS depending on final 2 days.
  5. Those drops would be a 1M increase, if Fri and Sat stay steady. Projected drop was 37, 8% diff is 1/12, Sat was 12M.
  6. I expect it to surpass the original in SK (admits). Between local inflation and ERs, I think USD ATP should be pretty close. Not that a small fall would be bad, but I don’t really see a way to dropping even 20% with these kind of PS numbers.
  7. It’s a hassle that this is a 4-day while basically every big HW preseller I know of was a 5-day. My rough personal hope for now is a 4M+ open.
  8. I guess this must be in KRW??? No chances, even Endgame wasn’t that close.
  9. I would take over on 150 OD, but might be getting ahead of myself. Has been known to happen 😛
  10. Verified era helps, but maintaining that 99% audience in the mid 2000s volume of respondents is INSANE.
  11. I’d be surprised to miss $100M. Seems bad reception would be needed.
  12. Strong night, seems to be breaking 450. These next days 3 days are where the real fun numbers are. I think 1M is still very real and AoU is pretty much toast at this point. Edit: Wow, near 460.
  13. Ah, must have missed it before on Mojo. I guess for now that’s the number we’ve got, but I’ll be shocked if another order of magnitude doesn’t sneak its way in there by Monday.
  14. It is not (at least, if you think it’s implying what I think you think it’s implying). But yeah, that comment should be removed.
  15. The episodes aren’t long enough to kill cinema If only the Mandalorian had a respectable episode length like 60 mins, FvF 20M CA 5M
  16. Yeeup, only occurred to me when I was thinking of other recent movies having miserable openings.
  17. @Shawn, is Downton really supposed to be 26k, -96%? Nobody else is showing a Friday number so I can't cross check, but given the theaters 260k -59% seems a lot more likely? Either way don’t think Focus is going to go for 100.
  18. Sounds like good times. Pretty much what I was doing for latter part of Aladdin in SK, planning on something similar for F2 in SK.
  19. Ohh, you know what Charlie’s Angels reminds me of? Shaft. It’s actually spooky. 70s franchise, 2000 revival, 2019 third attempt with lukewarm marketing. Shaft was forecasted around 20M and came in at 9 for OW.
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