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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Should this say "Sold T-9?" Edit: I think not, thinking about it more the -10 refers to today but the -9 is forward looking, so it makes sense they'd always be 1 different. Feel kind of silly for never noticing that before though. Edit 2: I thoroughly confused myself, but now that a second look has been taken I will assume everything is correct 😛 Unclear to me whether this is Day 2 or Day -9, labels seem to disagree with each other.
  2. Big difference at this stage. Domestic holds have been great recently too. I think we’ll see 1.66+
  3. It would be like a Solo movie starring Harrison Ford doing things just before TFA that could be important to the plot of future SW movies. Pretty different than the Solo we got.
  4. This “Day 1 is also Day -10” business is very thematically appropriate for Joker, I must say.
  5. Rth, Jat, Olive, etc, would be able to give you an even firmer answer, but I’m pretty sure it’s actual continued play in a very small number of theaters.
  6. Wishing luck to YourMother in the second immunity challenge but not JJ or Rorschach
  7. Yeah, 200M probably won’t be for 5+ years in my estimation. But it’s still roughly the same ballpark as an actual OD that has happened, which is kind of wild. 4 years ago the OD record was 91M, and it had been the same for over 4 years by then, so my point was just that even very recently 200M OD would have sounded completely out of calibration with reality. As much above the record as a 350M OD in the present.
  8. Amusingly a 200M OD is actually no longer in that “lolol, this number is so utterly impossible for any movie” realm anymore. That’s only 27% above the current OD record 🤣
  9. 28.8 for DA, 0.76 Goldfinch, 0.249 for OS Wonder if any players were on the wrong side of any of those
  10. They stuck that -20%, impressive. Not a super frontloaded weekend at all, I think we’ll see 80+
  11. Roughly $7.2 for Endgame, but it’s more about geography than PLFs I think. Frozen was proportionally stronger in expensive markets, whereas Endgame pulled in about a quarter of admission from Brazil, Mexico, India, Russia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, with an ATP of under $3.50
  12. It is only a matter of time before Friday starts at 10AM Thursday 😈
  13. I did sort of wish that they gave Endgame a 7-day PS run. Not because it would be a good idea, just to witness the insanity.
  14. The GoT wins is undeserved, but they didn’t get writing at least so I guess that’ll have to do. It’s not like an Emmy will actually fix the legacy of the show.
  15. Feel like this is a pretty different kind of movie without those last 4 letters
  16. It’s got the demographics to hold better than most other movies on Sun, but 20% vs 30-40% is a huge difference and that flat Sat looks foreboding.
  17. 1 DOWNTON ABBEY Focus Features 3,079 $13,830,000 -- / $4,492 $13,830,000 / 1 $9,580,000 -30.7% / $3,111 $23,410,000 / 2 $7,590,000 -20.8% / $2,465 $31,000,000 / 3 Uhhhh.... is this a realistic Sunday? Doesn’t look very realistic to me 🤔
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