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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Nobody said that, but keep on strawmanning I guess. Also this “news” has no informational value because it was guaranteed to happen. It 1 was the previous record holder and this is coming 2 years later.
  2. Gotg1 is also going down as a classic, quite confident. Avengers 2012, even though I personally don’t have it in the upper echelons anymore. The other 15 won’t, but 5-8 out of 23 really isn’t a bad hit rate considering what a small % of overall movies (or blockbusters) become classics.
  3. Comps applied to previews. Very positive considering almost 3 days of growth to go Also I think there was an arithmetic mistake with Phoenix, or a typo? 150% of Phoenix is under 50M Edit: fixed according to below
  4. Well some of us have to pay close attention to movies such as Luce and Bennett’s War
  5. I’m pretty confident Rth would know, but I figure they’re probably slumbering til the Queen arrives 😛
  6. I wonder what % of DOM gross Florida is for normal movies. @Charlie Jatinder, is that the sort of thing you would know?
  7. Certainly made this weekend interesting. First time I’ve seen an error above 100% o.O
  8. I think I expressed some ambivalence on Tuesday or so with the usual caveat of “still time to pop.” Well... there’s still time to pop, but it’s like 3.5 days rather than 9, and so far this is feeling like more of an 80 opener than a 110 opener to me.
  9. 9.23% does look like a fair amount of agreement with 10.07%, for the California subregions. And 8.7%, from Denver. Interesting that greater Philly is so much lower at 5.91, though it’a hard to read much into that when the difference could be more about the denominator than the numerator.
  10. It’s funny how clearly you can see the effect of school on the hourly pattern. Just doubled the 3AM sales a tad past 14:30.
  11. Tbh 1B+ OW is just 18 years or so away given normal trends (not sure if normal trends will hold, streaming might kill cinema if nukes don’t). Not too far fetched to imagine an MCU movie being first there. And 500 should happen mid-late 2020s. Probably more likely than not to be MCU.
  12. I saw some disagreement on reddit about how big it would open after the OD. Some guy called "itsjat32" was saying a 55-60cr Saturday, guess that worked out pretty well
  13. 3AM 9.2 (-17%) Since tomorrow is school the night should be a bit weaker than past Suns, 190 still looks about right for the weekend.
  14. “Sequels to a breakout usually regress to the mean” is such a basic dynamic, but also oddly easy to forget.
  15. Should have made a club 😛 I’m not too far off of there right now.
  16. No comps, what’s the point Actually I do wonder a bit about how useful a comp It2 will be for Joker. Both R-rated WB clown movies that could open in a roughly similar range. It is from a generally not presales loaded genre, but a sequel to a movie that was heavier on the presales. Joker is from a genre that’s often very presales heavy, but a non-sequel and perhaps aiming at a less presales heavy market segment. Curious to see how it shakes out.
  17. Sometimes it feels like the correlation between huge opening and awful reception is oddly high for Indian local films. With some notable exceptions, of course 😛
  18. I think it can manage more like 15:40-15:50, but if I wake up and it’s settling in at 74 I won’t be shocked or anything.
  19. Looks like high 70s to me, which still leaves 200 seeming like it could go either way. What are the expectations for next weekend openers?
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