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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. I gotta say, navigating just by actor/movie links is more fun anyway 😛 Copy/paste Korean name from Naver to CGV is a great tip, so logical in retrospect. Thanks @ZeeSoh
  2. Aladdin 57-58 days of first 59 over 1M, beating TA, BP, I2, Frozen (all 55/59). Record for decade. Record for Disney all-time (afaik).
  3. 🤯 Is there, by chance, a similarly nice option to navigate CGV?
  4. Fallen Kingdom had a holiday OD, and did about 2.75x the 3-day but 1.5x 5-day. TLK 3-day maybe about 1.5M admits. OW USD should be about 15M 5-day, 11M 3-day.
  5. I don’t know how to navigate to old movies on CGV, but Naver: JWFK 8.54, 8.01 BaTB 8.99, 8.79 TLK should settle between them. 5-day ~2M, finish ~5M, maybe some 35-45 USD?
  6. CGV egg 91 Naver 8.86/8.41 I’d describe both as medium, but I don’t have that much to compare to. Friday CGV PS are just 57k. PSm I expect to drop from 2.75 to about 2.5-2.6, for roughly 142-148 final CGV and some 270-300 admits.
  7. What are some typical 2nd weekend multis here? Unless legs are shorter than DOM seems like that weekend keeps Hancock/SS very reachable.
  8. Hourly gain yesterday vs today for TLK: 5,5 5,5 4,4 7,6 7,7 7,7 i.e. pacing effectively identical. Final CGV very close to 120, admits around high 230s. Think we’ll see Aladdin up a bit from yesterday and FFH down, but not tracking those as closely.
  9. “Sometimes threads are like this tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place.”
  10. Too bad to see Venom always underestimating TLK like this.
  11. Hehe, maybe “few people” would have been more accurate. 2.3B is sooooo much with 2019 ERs though. For all practical purposes Avatar+Endgame are on the astral plane and real movies only gross 1.5-2.2 when having a crazy stars-aligning mega-breakout 😛
  12. Just sell off everything but Marvel rights and Anastasia. Those were the good parts of the deal anyway
  13. 170-180 is a nice safe area to be shooting for. It’s just a very inexact business, despite all the hard work people put in. I wouldn’t be that shocked with an 18.5*8.5= high 150s. Or with 23*10=230. Even if we had all the data from every MTC and tracking service, humans are hard to predict 😛
  14. Yeah that era was really great as a like pump in terms of seeing how online sales were going. I think I’d still be fairly uncertain about TLK’s IM even with both, since the central question is how much it’s playing like an original family/kids movie vs a nostalgia-y/sequel-y/fan-y event. TS4’s IM was “low” due to the latter (imo) and I’d be kind of surprised to see TLK have a higher IM than it.
  15. .6A is a lot And nobody seriously thought this would be within 500M of Avatar
  16. Very live. Lots of uncertainty around how the internal multi will play out.
  17. BatB 233M C+J+SK, I think TLK will be bit lower. Rest of OS markets I think will beat BatB by a decent margin though. Call it about 750-950M.
  18. Hmmm, yeah. I was just roughing a 3x CGV PSm from CM Thursday, but after looking more deeply I’d say more like 2.7-2.9, maybe 235-255 is better. I’ll be entering hourlies into the sheet, but probably won’t update here unless something interesting is happening. Speaking of the sheet, I know where to find the hourly data but not where to look up actuals for past days, so FFH is missing lots of actuals. Could someone point me where to find those?
  19. If Avatar has earned a bit more since its last update, Endgame would need to pass that before being truly number 1. I’m not sure if the media will care, but they also can’t be bothered to check whether 429+.007 is more or less than 433
  20. Or 150-155 Didn’t pick up much at all tonight. It’s still a solid number compared to other LAs here, but it seems like it won’t have a crazy run.
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