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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. It is a re-expansion. It's roughly doubling the theater count domestically, maybe more. Obviously not a re-release, that hasn't been a good way to describe it at any point since we first heard about it. Something obviously can't be "re-released" when it's in the tenth week of actual release.
  2. 15 is actually pretty reasonable. It was an 8M week with good drops. 22 really strains belief though.
  3. Oh, wow. I see what @vafrow was saying about Aladdin staying in the top 10 into August.
  4. TC looking to more than double EXPANDING 3 14 Avengers: Endgame Buena Vista 1,950+ +965 +98.0% 10
  5. I grow increasingly suspicious that Aladdin will pass 340. It’s in good company
  6. This year. It’s behind TFA, TLJ, RO, IW, etc. Curses, foiled again by @Porthos. They’re a menace I tell ya.
  7. Not on Atom 😛 Beating CM on Atom is more impressive, and it sounds like it also beat CM and FFH on Fandango, which seems pretty good.
  8. Hmm, the 11th weekend following: IO 1.55M Maleficent .85 TJB .975 IM1 .92 gotg1 1.4M Last summer you needed over 4.5 to make top 10 on that weekend, so that seems right out. On 10th weekend top 10 took 2.3, that’s possible but dicey.
  9. Christ, what nonsense. I don’t imagine Endgame day one presales are a useful comp for basically any movie ever. Also, pretty sure I’m got a refined understanding of these things now, and this means 35M OW confirmed?
  10. Okay, so, 13:30 update we are at 19.93. % of daily gain by 13:30 and today finish following: CM Tues before release — 32.6%, 24mn FFH yesterday — 25.5%, 25.7mn FFH Sun — 29.4%, 24.7mn FFH Sat — 31%, 24.3mn This also roughly matches with run rate proportion vs yesterday (12-13:30 .62 vs .35 is +77%, would be daily gain of 7.6 for 25.5). To stay on track for that vs yesterday should see about 20.25 by 14:30. I’ll update this at 16:00, then lights out. Edit: I’ve got 20.81 for 16:00. Things seem to be pretty normal now. Run rate has been .375, +56% yesterday. Same for daily would be +6.75 for 24.7. % of daily gain by 16:00 and today finish following: CM Tues before release — 48%, 23.9mn FFH yesterday — 40%, 25.1mn FFH Sun — 41.9%, 24.8mn FFH Sat — 42.4%, 24.7mn Think it will be just short of 25, would not be anything crazy but a pleasant surprise nonetheless.
  11. First few hours were a lot stronger than later. Totally normal for first day of sales, might have been exacerbated today by TS4 and capping. I would personally describe them as very strong but not out of this world.
  12. Oh well, if all it needed for release was a title change that’s better situation than Better Days or 800. Thanks for keeping us appraised of these developments.
  13. Probably wouldn’t even make the top 5 most disappointing weekend so far this year. But I hope not, last thing we need is more big movies coming in under hopes/expectations.
  14. Yeah, I was going to comment in about 40 mins. Unfortunate coincidence, today is one day since last Wed that I started at 12 instead of 10 (IRL stuff).
  15. In an ideal world, this is where experts of various markets would chime in with sources and hard data for the next two weeks, giving a detailed view of the picture in the end that most could agree on. In the real world, it’ll be two weeks of mud slinging, name calling, belittling, provocation, and attempts to discredit (by both sides I’m sure, though probably moreso people who are unhappy with what they know the answer will be). I don’t expect to be around much, but I’ll be interested to read results in the end. Good luck with all this Jatinder, hope you get some good sources here and there between all the chaff.
  16. You can just google “X RMB to USD” and it’ll do the conversion. Or “X yuan to dollars.” Works for basically any currency.
  17. Right? And you’ll even need spoiler tags for Endgame for a bit after the next movie in the franchise has hit theaters, if I recall the policy correctly. Sometimes feels like the spoiler policy is from another era. Not that I really mind much, to be clear, it’s just weird/funny.
  18. “With TLK opening to 250M, did Disney leave 750M on the table this weekend?”
  19. Avengers on top for 5 years, then passed 4 times in just over 2. Pretty funny. Looks like Aladdin will go top 15 before finally coming to a rest?
  20. Really wish MT was fixed now to compare TLK:TS4 sales today. You can look at the Fandango TS4:TLK ratio after 24 hours, but the capping might skew that picture a fair bit. Once Wang drops in we’ll have a pretty good idea of total PS $, and can update from there based on Pulse.
  21. I’d be ecstatic. I’m a huge MCU stan, but there are a lot of people in here setting themself up for disappointment with unrealistic expectations. I don’t want to have to wade through pages of people being surprised by something unsurprising two weeks from now just to read the bits of serious analysis on my favorite movie.
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