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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Using Uncle Drew as a Pulse comp Shaft’s numbers would be about an 800k previews and 3.6M true Fri.
  2. 17 PT 6/13/19 (End of Thursday) 1 55.6% Rocketman 2 16.7% The Secret Life of Pets 2 3 16.7% The Dead Don't Die 4 11.1% Men In Black: International Thursday the 13th seems to be messing with the servers... sad to see Aladdin and XDP fall to $0 so suddenly. Anyway, enjoy Rocketman winning the weekend with like 70M
  3. Usually the N o’clock update hits MT at around N:10, and the ak tracker at around N+1 o’clock.
  4. Based on the MT motion and comparison to Fandango from the past 60 days, I’m 100%* confident there’s some kind of error or bug going on today. 18 hours ago XDP was 90% Rocketman, and now it’s less than 10% if you take the 11AM numbers as being accurate? In a window that has 25% overlap? That’s not the sort of thing that can be explained by random variation and a somewhat smaller sample size. *rounded. 99.9999 Edit: Saw your quote. Pretty sure ak’s 19:00 update will be the numbers currently displayed.
  5. There’s a good chance of $85+, but it’s been a long time since there was this strong an opening in this part of the year. Some markets you can pretty much tell where a movie will end after the first 7 days, with Japan it’s often more like the first 20.
  6. Applying that 50% correction would be a nice 230M. Perfectly plausible tbh.
  7. The MT tracker is pretty clearly broken right now. Hopefully it’s fixed in 7 hours, but if not I’ll just post something to the effect of “MT is broken end of day, here’s the Fandango 24 hour instead.”
  8. The Month of Parasite and Aladdin continues 😛 With those PS looks like Parasite will win the day again Friday but by a close margin for the first time.
  9. I remember a while ago there was some small chatter about Better Days moving up a week. Is that definitely happening? Definitely not? Still up in the air? Seems like we’re getting close enough there should be a final decision soon.
  10. Every time I pop my head in here it takes less than one page to realize it was a mistake. Perhaps one day I’ll learn.
  11. Yeah, he’s having a really rough year between Shaft, CM, and FFH
  12. Not cool Ignore Report DON’T QUOTE C’mon guys, there are some users on the board who often makes comments that would be better off wiped from existence. By the magic of the ignore feature, it is as if this is true... but not if people who aren’t on ignore quote them 😛
  13. Iron Man was unnecessary. Endgame too. It’s not really the right word, but I take the complaint to generally be shorthand for “actively hurts a sense of closure from the previous movie.”
  14. Over 4x a +47% Summer Tues would really be something, but I won’t rule it out with the way openers look and the mini-Holiday Sun.
  15. I’m ah, not quite sure what the right thread to put this trivia in is. Considered Tuesday, really it’s about the upcoming weekend and this is sort of the most upcoming weekend focused thread. With incoming reviews for Shaft and MIBI, we might be about to witness a rare all-rotten top 5 at the BO. The last time this happened was June 3-5 2016, when TMNT2 opened. The time before that was March 15-17, 2013 (this was actually the 4th in a row though ).
  16. 17 PT 6/12/19 (End of Wed) 1 26.9% The Secret Life of Pets 2 2 18.2% Aladdin 3 9% Rocketman 4 8.1% Dark Phoenix 5 6% Godzilla: King of the Monsters Not even appearing on the end of Wed update with this weak competition is... 😬
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