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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. It’s 10:30, even for a really early estimate a couple more hours is needed.
  2. So late! I hope this doesn’t mean no 2nd trailer until then.
  3. 100M isn't completely dead if the weekend can come in ~13.5. If the Disney-Fox acquisition had already gone through I think it would make for great double showings with CM, but alas.
  4. Aggghhh, a minute too late. That is a NICE Sat estimate, I wonder how well it can hold Sun.
  5. Seems locked to be the first 150+ of the year, but not sure if I’d call that big anymore. If it legs past 200 (which is very possible) then I’d say unequivocally yes. Edit: A little more detail — in the past 6 year period 120 movies did 150+, exactly 20 per year. A dozen years earlier the 20th biggest movie of the year was generally 90-115Mish.
  6. Strong in SK. I think haven’t started yet in China but should in a day or two? Don’t know much about presales in other markets.
  7. No joke I would actually prefer that to movie sequels, IF they were willing to commit to a budget where the effects were still solid. I prefer longer form mediums in general, and it would help with some of the pacing troubles that can come from adapting a manga into just 2 hour chunks.
  8. If those Friday numbers hold, 100M DOM seems out of reach, and a sequel increasingly imperiled. HTTYD3 doing strong but not a breakout. Just two more weeks until the BO finally comes alive again in a big way, will be great to have Charlie around for that weekend.
  9. Yeah, was never going to be there this Fri/Sat/Sun. Would be nifty to see it back Mon, after which it could conceivably never stay quite consistently.
  10. Your quote does show AM&TW 24 hr presales were #4, not #5, @Porthos. It’s ranked 5 now because of CM, which didn’t exist then. Not that I think this is important at all, just want to be fair.
  11. Holy shit, the manga gets WILD. I’m very interested how they’d adapt things for a second and third movie, but also you’d need like 10 movies to cover all of the rest of this stuff.
  12. I dunno man, opening over 80M? Seems far fetched with the way tracking keeps dropping
  13. Wonder if tomorrow will see a bump from the embargo lift and subsequent “first impressions are good” articles that go up on a few sites and are so boilerplate they usually include the joke reviews on accident. Guessing yes, but a modest one, maybe 90 tickets.
  14. In some related trivia, never realized that the average RT critic score for the Toy Story trilogy is 99.3. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
  15. Crossposting after I was prompted to do these calcs over in the CM thread: RT isn’t perfect, but over the last 12 MCU movies (the golden age that Winter Soldier kicked off): Average critic score 88, min 75 (AoU) Average Audience score 86.4, min 77 (AM&TW) CM looks likely to keep those about the same as a 13 movie streak but I won’t count it yet. Pixar’s golden streak is only 11 movies long, Toy Story through TS3, ended by Cars 2. Their stats for that streak are an insane: Average critic 95, min 74 (Cars) averwge audience 85, min 72 (Bug’s Life) So, tl;dr, Pixar’s quality was noticeably higher for critics, but slightly worse on audience rating and they couldn’t keep the streak alive as long. Edit: I’m happy to run the same stats for any double digit franchise streak that seems like plausible competition, but I don9t think any others exist. Certainly not SW, HP, or Bond and almost nothing else has enough movies in the first place.
  16. Real quick concrete demonstration of how important the last 17 days are here. IW was at 3.26x BP, and has a preview night of 1.55x BP.
  17. What else would be number 1? Even if Alita had a +5% anti-gravity (lol) and HTTYD falls to Lego2 level it would still be #1.
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