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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Wow, a stupendously ignorant brand new account ragging on Captain Marvel in all bold. Gee, I wonder whose duplicate this could be
  2. +25.8, right, not 23.8? That’s 22%, would have hoped for higher but doesn’t seem so bad.
  3. Well I really should be getting back to sleep soon, but I guess that’ll have to wait for now. Gonna go with 4.3 as my guess.
  4. This looks like interesting data, but some of the columns seem to be running into each other and I have no idea what the context is.
  5. Look, I’m not saying Alita will get to 130 DOM, I’m just saying that the other Cameron related movie to open with 28.5M added 70M after its 12M weekend...
  6. Not having Jim/Avatar in the title is just misleading new people as to the actual content of the thread. I think we can lose HP pretty safely now
  7. Another day increasing its proportion of IW. Sacramento still seems to be pointing around 20, but we'll see how the red carpet premiere goes.
  8. I believe that AoU, CW, IW, and JW2 are simply the biggest Hollywood presale movies in recent history. CM got put on the same chart since it also started with big numbers.
  9. GMe: “Interpreted naively, the BP:CM Fandango ratio is concerning for CM, and here’s why you shouldn’t do that” Barnack: “is it actually concerning?” Me: “yes, the crude interpretation is 70-100, which would be very concerning” Everyone else: “well actually, those numbers come from interpreting the data naively, and you shouldn’t do that” Like, what? There are some reading comprehension issues at play in that exchange 😛
  10. Yesterday was more than half, but as you can see from CoolEric’s couple posts on the matter it’s been an average of more like a third for the past 7 days. 1/3 to 1/2 of 200M is ~70-100M, which would be very dissapointing results and not at all in line with other indicators.
  11. The fandango 24 hour numbers are a bit concerning compared to BP, but as BP had its red carpet premiere already and CM’s is next week for Oscar/spoiler reasons it’s pretty difficult to draw too many conclusions from that. We’ll just have to see how things are in a week.
  12. Difficult to look at the weekly drop since last Mon was a holiday. Compared to last Wed (non holiday, no discount, no HTTYD preview competion) : HTTYD 3: $2.4mn n/a Alita: $0.93mn -46% FWMF: $0.47mn n/a IIR: $0.42mn -53% LEGO 2: $0.4mn -67% (ouch, animated comp WMW: $0.38mn -38% Green Book: $0.37mn +28% (best picture win) Spider Verse: $85k -50% Bohemian Rhapsody: $80k +0% Edit: Actually all of last week was a school holiday, so that’s probably skewing comps especially for the animated fare. Oh well. -84.5 for HTTYD about expected, LM2 was -86%. HTTYD1 was only -66% but I believe that was one of the spring weeks where a decent fraction of schools are on break.
  13. Any user can. sfran usually starts it because they’re supernaturally fast at getting the tweets with actuals, but sometimes they get started the previous night (well, US time) by other users if insider information is in play.
  14. Black Panther with that sick 0% drop I am a bit curious about Spiderverse though. If you have estimates you could just get the Monday thread started early.
  15. Just realized that sometime pretty soon, more than a third of the WW Top 20 will be MCU.
  16. OS-J weekend was about .8, should add maybe 2? Expected to add ~4 in Japan, maybe 3M DOM (rounding up). Would be 9M more for 1148. Absolutely monstrous performance, but looks like it will ultimately settle just below Civil War.
  17. One of those release dates is not like the others
  18. The daily added seat ratio between BP:CM here vs in the fandango data is hugely different. I guess BP sales being disproportionately in places like Atlanta would go part of the way towards explaining it.
  19. 20m at 15:00 is pretty discouraging, could be a finish around 40? That'd be a huge daily drop and make me a concerned about x2.
  20. Wondering how long Upside can stay in top 10. Maybe above WMW and HDD2U next weekend to stay at 8, should still be in there on CM weekend, maaaaaaybe hang in on the 15th as well depending on how things hold.
  21. If I’m reading Maoyan correctly (not very familiar with Chinese) there are ~9m of presales, which I think could give a day of ~60 for a respectable mid 50s Mon drop. Edit: Come to think of it, that would be a Sat, Sun, Mon following AM&TW pretty closely.
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