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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Very pessimistically it could do like 280 DOM/950 WW. Very optimistically I guess something like 400 DOM 1.2B WW. I think 1-1.1B is very likely though, 300-360 DOM
  2. No, actually. TGS only had a 9x multiplier off this weekend. Using Deadline’s estimate that would only take MPR to 360M
  3. Deadline forecasting a +57% weekend for Ralph despite losing ~6% of its screens. This doesn’t really have a precedent from the 2012 or 2007 Dec 28-30 weekends, but is a bit reminiscent of HP & Sorcerer’s Stone (+55% after -4% TC) and Monsters Inc. (+60% after -19% TC) which were in roughly similar parts of their run. 200M could be back in play if the estimates hold.
  4. The multiplier off of the weekend. For instance, An Unexpected Journey made 113.3M from the weekend and beyond, 3.55x its gross from the weekend.
  5. Using 50, 30, 20, 20 weekends, that would suggest totals of: AQM 137+50*[3.4,4.3]=307-352 MPR 71+30*[3.4,4.3]=179-206 ItSV 85+20*[3.4,4.3]=153-171 BB 46+20*[3.4,4.3]=114-132 I personally would not be surprised to see MPR or Spiderverse go above 4.3 multis from the weekend though.
  6. The last time we had a Dec 28-30 weekend was 2012, when the top 10 were: Hobbit:AUJ — 31.9M — week 3 — 3.55x wknd multi Django — 30.1M — Xmas release — 4.3x Les Miserables — 27.3M — Xmas release — 4x Parental Guidance — 14.6M — Xmas — 4.3x Jack Reacher — 13.6M — week 2 — 3.64x This is 40 — 12.5M — week 2 — 3.49x Lincoln — 7.3M — week 8 — 7.86x The Guilt Trip — 6.5M — week 2 — 3.47x Monsters Inc (3D) — 6.4M — week 2 — 3.4x Rise of the Guardians — 4.9M — week 6 — 3.71x and before that was 2007: So trimming the high outliers of Juno and Lincoln and the low outliers of AvP:Requiem and I am Legend, we get a multiplier range of 3.4-4.3x
  7. Huh, GotG is actually in the first 50% of the MCU now. Come 2024 or so IW will be in the first half, what a weird thought.
  8. Monday as 30% and 33% of the 4-day? Of the 25 biggest president’s weekend openers, the largest Monday %s are: 23% Spiderwick Chronicles 21% Bridge to Terabithia 19% Percy Jackson Lightning Thief 19% Eight Below Edit: Oh, these are all 6-day openers, it looks like? How strange.
  9. The numbers also has the 10M figure for Netherlands, but it’s pretty clearly some kind of error. Netherlands isn’t seriously capable of a 10.5M 10-day cume, I think the record is Skyfall with some 9.2.
  10. Out of 10 movies this year, 3 flopped (WiT, Nat4R, Solo) and 4 had underwhelming-middling performances (WiR2, CR, AM&TW, MPR). But I guess none of that matters when you release 3 SH movies for over 2B between them
  11. 14M true Friday after 9M from Thursday night isn’t exactly how you want things to go. 65M “3-day” seems a real possibility then, which could lead to as low as 220M or so. Still, early days.
  12. JL sort of happened, but sort of... not. Based on Aquaman it seems like some parts will get referenced and some parts just ignored.
  13. Manta supplied the submarine that Orm used in the false flag attack on his meeting with Mera's dad.
  14. Is there a spoiler thread? What determines whether a movie gets a spoiler thread anyway? Great movie, really hope it’ll have awesome legs and get a bunch of sequels and spinoffs.
  15. Oh no, Flopquaman will never be able to beat Venom now. What a failure, RIP sequels.
  16. This was... fine? I mean, I didn’t dislike it. Pretty predictable and a lot of cliche moments, but it was just trying to be a straightforward fantasy epic and it pretty much succeeded. Didn’t care too much for Arthur or either main villain, but I liked Mera and the parent’s love story. Easily the 6th best SH movie of the year.
  17. So an easy 6B from the top 3 SH films this year, huh? Absolutely wild, wonder what year that gets passed.
  18. Ahh yes, missed the 1500 theater mark to be automatically covered by CS and released to the public. Wonder if 1989 had any such movies.
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