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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Both Ant-Man films have been well-received and turned good profits (and without any Avengers appearances for the character, which is about to change). There will clearly be a sequel, and it won’t necessarily have a big change (Ragnarok’s change had more to do with the audience and star actor’s dissatisfaction with the character’s handling in TDW and AoU than the financials). I certainly would expect the third to have some more connectedness with the rest of the universe, possibly including a guest hero with a substantial role, but that would have been the case even if this one did 850.
  2. AM1 OS-China was about 240, so 33% higher would be 320. I can see anywhere from 100-200 from China, for 420-520 OS and some 620-720 WW. High end there is a real long shot though.
  3. No digital/blu-ray release yet, so putting details in spoilers WW does some things better than IW, but overall level of emotional impact is not even close.
  4. Mmm, AM&tW over Solo club is officially dead with that weekend. Still a good chance to pass 200, but not by much. It’s pretty sad how Ant-Man movies always seem to be lagging the rest of the phase, especially when their quality is actually really high. Hopefully A4 can really give a boost to the character. Oh well, even if Marvel is missing 1.6 DOM at least they should still hit 4B WW.
  5. LOL, WW was a fine film but let’s not get carried away, it was pretty cliched and cheesy in a lot of parts as well. IW was way more emotional.
  6. You guys have convinced me to watch HT3. I hope you’re happy with yourselves.
  7. Well, there is a pretty infamous recent CBM in the mid 600s... might not be the best comparison to draw though. Probably Ant-Man and the Wasp will settle in the right range.
  8. When this movie comes out the perception of Black Widow in the period between IW and A4 isn’t going to matter in the slightest. It’s all about how that movie positions the character moving forward (and maybe also some small details like the quality of the movie ).
  9. Now that is the 10M dollar question. It’s conceivable that with A4 on the horizon, they’re just blatantly lying about it being a prequel to avoid spoilers. It does seem like the possibility to be an actual prequel is a lo higher than with FFH though.
  10. I like the Black Widow character, but having this be a prequel pretty much kills my interest tbh, unless they can tie it into the modern day storyline well. Doesn’t make much sense to speculate about this movie’s prospects until we see how the character is received in A4.
  11. It would be really bizarre to do a movie starring her in that case. Presumably if this is successful we have Black Widow 2 and Black Widow 3 in the pipeline, and there’s no way they’d be planning to have them all be prequels.
  12. Yup, the in universe knowledge of the events of Infinity War before people actually started getting dusted was quite minimal. Basically they knew some aliens showed up in New York and then Iron Man went missing. Strange missing isn’t news, Peter Parker missing isn’t real news, nobody had any idea about Thanos existing, his plans, Vision’s importance to them, etc. The only thing large scale thing that even happened on Earth after New York 2 Electric Boogaloo was a pretty fast battle in a remote section of Africa. There’s really no reason why anybody would know that something catastrophic was looming until it actually started happening — and the second post credits scene is pretty clear about this with Fury, one of the most well informed people on the planet vis-a-vis aliens and Avengers, not even knowing what was happening in Wakanda until Thanos achieved his goals.
  13. Very interesting to me how AM&tW went down on its Fandango count Tuesday despite the huge increase, whereas I2 and JW went slightly up. Maybe opening discount Tuesday is particularly walkup friendly relative to opening week Monday.
  14. I would happily pay 1000% more for IMAX than I’m going to for standard
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