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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. The most interesting thing for me happening in the next weekend thread will be IW’s 5th weekend number. Assuming Solo’s 3-day is between like 110 and 160 I don’t see too much to get interested in.
  2. I just put them on ignore a long time ago, but I also do not quite understand how the account is still allowed. It’s clearly impersonating someone and had the lowest useful content:obvious troll bait ratio I’ve ever seen.
  3. This doesn’t clarify anything for me. I don’t care where the nickname came from, I’m just not clear on how using “Rth” is any more damaging to his anonymity than using “Heimdall” or “Asgard” would be. And to be clear, I am absolutely going to be keeping things in house, I just want to get a better idea of exactly what is and is not safe to post elsewhere.
  4. Also, it could/should be a little more clear what the rules/etiquette in that regard are. As a new(ish) member of the forums, this is the first indication I’ve been giving that I should be keeping this stuff secret.
  5. Wait, I’m confused. “Asgardian” is an alias. “Rth,” is, also, an alias. Right? I mean, it would be pretty crazy to have a username that game something away about your real identity if you wanted anonymity. What would be better about using one alias vs another?
  6. Clearly when DP2 does ~750, the inference will be that the censored version would have done 1.05
  7. I know, totally ridiculous. I hear that Solo’s true budget was 350! I mean, lots of people have been saying it. 350M budget is what a lot of people are saying.
  8. The superhero movies playing in theaters this weekend are going to do 1700M+ DOM, so I’d say yes.
  9. They’re projecting Solo+JW2 under BP and IW. That would have been a fun club for December.
  10. 2 pages in to Deadline’s update and no one has mentioned the casual 48.5% projected IW drop they snuck in the last sentence.
  11. I don’t think it’s particularly related to Star Wars, Disney, China, or anything like that. It’s just that medium box office performances are boring, while extremes, by dint of being less common, are more interesting. So anything that does extremely good or extremely bad in any big territory becomes an interesting narrative to focus on and talk about. In service of that, when a movie is tracking for a 90th percentile performance, people will hop for it to overperform — end up at 98th, rather than end up at 75th. 98th is just more interesting that 75th. But when a movie’s is expected to perform around the 10th percentile, people will hope that it bombs even more, with a 2nd percentile rather than 25th percentile performance, simply because 2nd is more exciting than 25th. In my opinion, this desire for the more exciting narrative on either extreme is a core dynamic behind people wanting to see IW beat Titanic or JL fall below Man of Steel.
  12. In a year, Marvel will probably be the top 5/5 in Singapore.
  13. I hear it made 200 million. That’s almost 30M less than Justice League, so I guess it was kind of a dissapointment.
  14. Should be about 325-365, with late legs slightly complicated by less competition than a lot of comps. Won’t go any narrower than that until we have a sense of the 2nd weekend.
  15. Aha! Finally an anime gif I can actually recognize.
  16. We’ve entered the point of IW’s run where every number that’s very close to BP’s is good news.
  17. 8x 13th weekend multiplier is a little ambitious. Maybe if they shift all those WiT screens over for a MD reexpansion
  18. -40, -53 is worth more money than -53, -40. About 8M more, ignoring weekdays. So if it does GotG2’s 4th and 5th in reversed order, then follows the same after that, headed toward more like 698.
  19. Deadline seems to have the weekend actuals at 199.3 http://deadline.com/2018/05/avengers-infinity-war-china-opening-records-third-weekend-global-international-box-office-1202389774/ Have I been lied to about our glorious victory?
  20. 31.5-28.8% drop then, for 18.5-19.5. Total weekend of 61.5-62.5. A very solid weekend, didn’t lose as much ground to BP as it could have.
  21. 52 weeks (15% increase wouldn’t actually be that crazy considering the pseudo-finale nature)
  22. “Studio estimates pretty much correct” isn’t going to make for a very interesting night. At least I can stop spamming refresh now, so thanks.
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