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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. When exactly did it become the norm to rush to the defense of corporate filmmaking? If a critic says that this movie exists solely to make money, I think it’s pretty obvious they’re saying that there’s no passion behind it. That it’s a cynical studio product, and not a story that anyone genuinely wanted to tell. To be clear, I haven’t seen this movie yet, so I’m not personally judging it on that basis.
  2. Maybe BOT needs to start temporarily locking the threads for these kinds of movies ahead of reviews.
  3. I’m not saying these reviews so far are great, but I’m not sure they warrant this whole sky is falling mentality.
  4. Pretty sure The Marvels already broke whatever “streak” you’re referring to.
  5. NWH benefitted from being more or less the first one to do what movies like this and The Flash have tried to do, at least in terms of being the first one to be released. Many people who initially loved NWH have expressed the opinion that it doesn’t really hold up all that well upon reevaluation.
  6. Hugh Jackman had made it clear for at least the past decade that he wanted to join the MCU. I don’t think he cares as much about the “integrity” of Logan’s ending as others might.
  7. It seems like they’re leaning into the ambiguity of what’s real and what’s fantasy.
  8. Reviews probably matter more for Deadpool (or any CBM for that matter) than it does for Illumination movies.
  9. I personally already thought the wink-wink meta approach was getting old with DP2, and if critics are getting sick of that as well, then I can’t say I’m entirely surprised. As for the multiverse approach, if critics are getting sick of that too, then I’m not sure that bodes well for Secret Wars. Marvel may have played their hand too early with NWH.
  10. Assuming this ends up with mediocre review scores, should we chalk it up to the Lucasfilm curse again?
  11. These seem like fairly typical early reactions for a big superhero tentpole.
  12. It seems pretty unorthodox for Marvel to just casually give away such a big reveal a week before their movie comes out.
  13. I have to imagine that Disney would be somewhat disappointed if this “only” makes around $800 million.
  14. This is still filming? What is going on? Yeah, I know, strikes and all, but they ended back in November, and they were filming before that.
  15. It’s not like they removed the dislike button. People are still free to dislike videos. It’s just no longer visible to the public.
  16. I used to be against YouTube’s decision to make the dislikes private, but looking back, that was probably one of the rare occasions where they had the right idea.
  17. Is every CBM this year going to have their threads derailed into a Taylor Swift discussion at some point?
  18. This thread is somehow a bigger shitshow now than it was before the trailer dropped.
  19. I mean that I don’t know why they’d even go through the trouble of adapting such a controversial character if they’re gonna radically change her anyway. Might as well have not even bothered in the first place.
  20. It sounds like they’re completely removing Ruth Sabra’s connections to the IDF. Frankly though, this does beg the question of why they didn’t just have her be a different character entirely.
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