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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I know it’s dumb to try and make sense of continuity in a Deadpool film, but since this movie made a big deal out of how Logan is part of the same universe/timeline as the Deadpool movies, wouldn’t that mean that Deadpool’s X-Men friends are going to die soon? its established that this movie takes place in 2024, which would mean that the events of Logan are only five years away.
  2. Gonna be honest, this was kinda an underwhelming Comic Con. The only real big announcement was the Doctor Doom casting, which reads like desperation on Marvel’s part.
  3. Was the unveiling of the logo the big DC announcement scoopers were talking about?
  4. Funny how 2024 seemed like such a bleak year for the box office just two months ago.
  5. It’s crazy how much outcry against the destruction in MoS seemed to influence future Hollywood blockbusters. Even Marvel seemed to go out of there to avoid having the heroes fight in populated areas after that.
  6. I think I might’ve missed the part where Superman “levels buildings on purpose” in MoS.
  7. Wasn’t Free Guy considered pretty successful for a pandemic release?
  8. Coppola could’ve been the cool underdog rebelling against the studio system, and he had to ruin it by acting like a perverted old man from an anime.
  9. Kate Mara actually was in her early 30s at the time. The problem was that the movie gave her practically nothing to do, and her chemistry with Reed was virtually nonexistent.
  10. I’m sorry, but didn’t Zaslav state a while back that WBD doesn’t need the NBA?
  11. This obsession Paramount has with milking every facet of the Spongebob IP dry is kinda sad.
  12. At this point, I think this is the one CBM of at least the next several years that I’m most curious about. It seems pretty reasonable to say that it’s a lot more experimental than anything we can expect to see from the various interconnected shared universes.
  13. Jason generally doesn’t care for superhero movies, and they seem to be losing interest in Hollywood movies in general, so that’s not really surprising.
  14. Assuming this movie really is all that, I’d be inclined to say that they should just scrap the live action continuity and focus on this.
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