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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. This release date is fine. It’s the one shift that I’m okay with. Everything else is just nonsense.
  2. I don’t think Shazam 2 coming out in December is a problem, but they should have just swapped release dates with Aquaman 2.
  3. If they were gonna move this to Aquaman’s spot, they could’ve just had it and Aquaman swap release dates. This comes across as needlessly convoluted.
  4. I’m just trying to wrap my head around the logic behind this move, and I’ve got nothing. This movie finished principal photography last August, so the problem surely can’t be that they need more time. The problem can’t be that they were concerned about opening in the same month as Thor 4, because they’re now opening a few weeks before Black Panther 2.
  5. At the risk of being blunt and cynical, I think people overestimate how much the general public truly cares about what Rowling thinks of transgender people. Unfortunately, the trans community is still very much seen as an easy target that many famous individuals will openly ridicule without any significant consequences. We aren’t yet at the point where society at large is truly accepting of trans people.
  6. Well, Batman is the main character. Tim Burton just happened to be more interested in focusing on Batman’s villains than Batman himself.
  7. Funny that people were apparently just now hearing about this, when she shared this story back in 2015.
  8. This past weekend has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Batman is still WB’s golden goose. I just wish they could give Superman another chance (and no, I don’t think that Ta-Nehisi Coates movie is going to happen).
  9. So, is everyone in agreement that this is officially the darkest Batman movie, not counting Joker?
  10. Superhero movies generally aren’t known for having strong legs. A notable exception is Wonder Woman, which had a much different audience demographic than most other CBMs. If the movie can’t at least open to $120 million, I’m not sure it’ll be able to pass $300 million domestically.
  11. Regardless of the age of the thread, the fact that it managed to pass 1000 pages without so much as a single teaser is something I don’t think any other movie on these forums managed to accomplish.
  12. We would’ve gotten a Batman movie that was part of a larger DC universe if Ben Affleck hadn’t dropped out. Matt Reeves was the one who wanted to make a Batman movie that wasn’t in the DCEU. It sounds like WB was so desperate for a new Batman movie that they decided to let Reeves do whatever he wanted.
  13. I hope they don’t have the Joker as a major villain for any of these movies. We’ve had enough of him. Reeves said he’d like to go with Mr. Freeze for the sequel, so I say go for it. I’m just not sure how they would handle him.
  14. With all these constant and increasingly outlandish predictions about how much money this movie will make, it’s no wonder we’re already past 1000 pages here.
  15. Would it have been great if The Batman had the biggest OW for a WB film? Of course, but all things considered, these preview numbers are pretty solid. We’ll have to wait and see how the movie holds, but if things go well, then there should be a promising future for Robert Pattinson’s Batman.
  16. I have no clue what you’re going on about. I don’t see anyone claiming that these numbers are groundbreaking, but I don’t see any reason to act like it’s underperforming based on tracking. Considering how the past three DC movies performed, I’m sure WB sees these numbers as a godsend.
  17. You claimed that comparing the box office to movies that were released last year isn’t fair, so I brought up a movie that was released before the pandemic. It sounds like you’re doing everything you can to downplay its performance.
  18. The climax with the flood was a bit wonky, but I’m not sure it would really work if you cut it. That whole climax is the culmination of Batman’s journey in the film. It marks the point where he truly becomes a hero, rather than a vigilante who’s obsessed with vengeance. Anyway, I’m interested in seeing where we go next, but I’m not sure I can imagine villains like Mr. Freeze existing in this universe.
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