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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. That’s bad! Children shouldn’t be taught about this stuff at such a young age! That’s grooming! (This is a joke, by the way)
  2. People claim movies like CRA and Moonlight are victories for diversity because they give the spotlight to racial minorities who don’t get as much attention as white people, at least as far as Hollywood movies have historically been concerned.
  3. I think historical accuracy should be adhered to as best as possible for a movie that’s based on a true story, although as mentioned before, there were black people who worked on the Manhattan Project. I’m just not sure how many Oppenheimer actually worked with.
  4. I remember conservative publications like The Daily Wire and that Christian Toto guy taking issue with the nuke plot point in Eternals, but not because of any supposed racial implications, but because the movie decided to frame the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a horrible tragedy. Plenty of conservative grifters (apart from Armond White) seem to love Christopher Nolan movies, so I doubt there will be many complaints from them regarding this film.
  5. The fact that there’s so little of Bruce Wayne here is largely the point. He’s so consumed by vengeance that he doesn’t have any interest in the Bruce Wayne part of his life. It’s a problem the movie addresses.
  6. I assume it’s because there’s not much else to talk about when it comes to this movie at the moment. Tenet at least gave people a lot to speculate on, but this movie is supposed to be a biopic, meaning that we already have a good idea of what to expect.
  7. It’s gonna be annoying if this prevents the movie from hitting $400 million domestic.
  8. Jeez, I just clicked on this thread to see what people had to say about the weekend holds at the box office. What is all this?
  9. After three months of thinking about it, I don’t know where you can really go for a fourth Tom Holland movie. Seeing proper MCU versions of the villains we saw in this movie is seemingly out of the question, and Kraven is getting his own solo movie. What else is there left? Agent Venom? A Daredevil teamup against Kingpin?
  10. It’s been trendy for certain corners of the Internet to dunk on him for years now, especially after Tenet. I want to say it initially started around 2012/2013, with The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel.
  11. Nolan doesn’t use social media, so people would just be screaming to the void.
  12. Well, it’s Grace Randolph, so take it with a grain of salt, but she claims that Batfleck doesn’t die in this. Gah, why did the movie have to be delayed?
  13. If The Flash had to be delayed because COVID made things difficult for the VFX team, that makes me wonder how Marvel managed to get NWH finished as quickly as they did.
  14. Is this the Avatar thread now? Why do we need to have debates about that movie’s box office accomplishments here?
  15. A little late on the news, but yes, this movie is supposed to involve the multiverse to a degree. We just don’t know what the extent is, beyond Michael Kenton’s involvement. Time travel is also involved.
  16. I like how he’s always willing to just calmly debunk people who voice concerns regarding his DC movies on Reddit.
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