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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. The third act definitely dragged for a bit, but it doesn’t kill the movie, and the ending suggests a promising future. I think they can afford to go a little lighter for the next one, as long as its not done to an excessive degree like with the Schumacher Batman movies and Justice League.
  2. I’m seeing it tomorrow. Hopefully I won’t feel the runtime. To my amazement, I managed to sit through the Snyder Cut in one sitting, but those were unique circumstances.
  3. I know it doesn’t exactly matter, but I’m a bit bummed that the RT score isn’t in the 90s range. Some of the reviews are saying things like “we don’t need another Batman film,” which is an unfortunate thing to hear.
  4. I didn’t say a B+ is fine. B+ for a superhero movie is below average, but a B would be just plain bad.
  5. That’s what I’ve been predicting. The past four DC movies have all gotten a B+, so it’d be nice to have something break the trend, even if an A- is nothing special for a superhero movie.
  6. Some critics consider a 6/10 to be good, while others consider it bad. It depends on the person.
  7. “This movie is bad because the world sucks right now” only serves to date the review. If critics believe the movie is too dark and bleak to enjoy, just say that. Why do they have to try and be trendy?
  8. I just remembered that some of the negative reviews for TDK back in the day complained about it being too dark as well. This is practically a tradition with Batman movies at this point.
  9. Top critics are more split on this movie than I would’ve hoped (“It’s too dark!” “I’m sick of Batman!”). Is this gonna be an inverse of WW84?
  10. I would consider anything less than $120-130 million OW a disappointment, so hopefully it does more than that.
  11. God, I hate when the Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic websites takes forever to refresh for new movies.
  12. I like Superman and I wish he could have more at the moment than a CW show, but we don’t need to build up to an alternate universe version of the Justice League. Just focus on the Batman mythos.
  13. I don’t understand how the Academy can be this out of touch. If you want to make the ceremony shorter, cut back on the skits and montages and don’t introduce any pointless new awards categories that are voted for by Twitter. It’s not rocket science.
  14. If Suicide Squad and Venom are any indication, it doesn’t take much to get a 15 in the U.K. anyway.
  15. Is there a point in having a social media embargo if everyone is giving their thoughts on the movie anyway?
  16. The thought of a Christopher Nolan movie that uses Gen Z slang like the new Texas Chainsaw movie is the funniest thing.
  17. I actually don’t have a problem with the performances in his films. I just figured that someone was going to inevitably bring that one up.
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