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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. A Christopher Nolan movie being advertised with Fortnite? Now I’ve seen everything. That’s even weirder than that time that Batman Begins was advertised with a Nickelback song.
  2. If we’re getting a trailer tomorrow, I’d assume that means that WB is either confident about the July release date, or they’re already prepared to announce a new release date.
  3. This doesn’t really seem like the kind of movie that would normally get an October release, but that would be their call.
  4. There’s exactly two months to go, so if they’re gonna delay this, they’re gonna have to do it pretty soon.
  5. I pretty much never go to the concessions, so that isn’t a problem for me.
  6. Apparently CK will be included. Come to think of it, does WarnerMedia own basically all the old MGM and RKO movies?
  7. Would that include stuff like The Wizard of Oz and Citizen Kane?
  8. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is meant by “legacy catalog”?
  9. Is Sony basically the only major corporation associated with Hollywood that doesn’t have their own streaming service at this point, or in the near future?
  10. I just can’t get excited for another streaming service. I did the free trial for Disney+ purely to see what all the buzz was about, but I can’t see myself paying monthly fees for this stuff.
  11. Hasn’t it already been established that the Palpatine we saw in TRoS was a clone?
  12. It just seems to me like it’d be a waste of time to give focus on stuff related to the ST. The PT at least felt distinct enough from the OT to justify something like TCW. Plus, they were prequels, so regardless of whether or not someone liked them, they still provided some relevant backstory for the OT.
  13. I apologize if this makes me sound overtly cynical, but do people even still care about any of the stuff related to the ST at this point?
  14. Yeah, it’s probably going to just be a run of the mill studio horror movie. I was interested in it back in 2017, but I couldn’t care less for it at this point,
  15. At this point, I’d like to think that Disney’s insistence on putting this in theaters really is because they think it’s a modern day masterpiece that’ll be sure to rake in the big bucks. Yes, I know that’s extremely unlikely, but a guy can dream.
  16. I wonder what the next slated release date will be. Also, wow. I’m surprised at how young some of the people here apparently are. I was well into my high school years when this thread was created.
  17. I said this in the old thread at some point last year, but since that’s been deleted, I guess I’ll say it again: it’s kind of unfortunate to me that we’re back at square one with Batman. I know Matt Reeves has said that this movie isn’t supposed to be an origin story, but I wish we didn’t have to get used to another new Batman so soon. I would’ve liked to have seen the character receive an Iron Man style send-off in a cinematic universe where other DC heroes exist, but now that won’t ever happen. Also, before anyone responds, yes, I’m aware that they’re rebooting Batman because Ben Affleck didn’t want to stay in the role anymore due to a variety of personal reasons. I get that. I’m not blaming anyone involved in this film for choosing to give Batman a fresh start. Hell, after what happened with BvS and JL, that’s probably what I would’ve done. I’m just expressing how unfortunate I think it is that Affleck‘s run as the character was such a disaster.
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