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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I mean, false allegations do in fact happen. That happened to Johnny Depp and ProJared. I’m not saying this is false, but suggesting that any serious allegation of misconduct must be true, because you can’t imagine why someone would lie about it, is a pretty dangerous precedent to try and set.
  2. Alright, I’ll humor your theory for a moment. If Ms. Heard is in on the scheme to clear Mr. Depp’s name, why wouldn’t she just come out and say that it was all a lie, instead of going through with this $50 million lawsuit?
  3. God, I hope those rumors about the Joker showing up for the sequels isn’t true. We’ve had enough live action incarnations of the Joker to last a lifetime.
  4. Yeah, comparing your movie to TRoS is definitely not the best way of reassuring people that everything is fine. Still, I’m not going to immediately assume that late reshoots are a bad sign. I would assume that the pandemic simply caused reshoots to be delayed.
  5. Most of Johnny Depp’s issues seem to have stemmed from factors beyond his control, unless you want to argue that he should’ve known better than to marry someone like Amber Heard.
  6. As much as I like Inception, I don’t see why very many people would risk driving out to theaters just to watch a movie that’s 10 years old.
  7. It seems like people are mad at J.K. Rowling about this because of her self-proclaimed status as a feminist and activist. A person like Ricky Gervais has said worse things about transgender people, but he’s still doing pretty well, which I guess is because he’s built his career off of being edgy and offensive, so people expect that from him.
  8. I’ll admit, for all the talk about how no one remembers the first film, that is an impressive feat, even accounting for how old this thread is.
  9. So she did. I could’ve sworn Faora’s first comic book appearance was earlier than that. In that case, there’s definitely a good chance that the comic book Faora was inspired by Ursa.
  10. I see they’re staying true to the tradition of releasing every film in the MonsterVerse in the same month as a Disney live action remake. Also, it just occurred to me that Millie Bobby Brown is going to look significantly older by the time this is released.
  11. This seems like it would be more of a Christmas movie, but I guess WB is going all in with Dune.
  12. I personally think that cancel culture is an irritating ideology that people on Twitter simply use as an excuse to publicly drag people they don’t like. I don’t think people should be fired anytime they say something controversial or stupid. Newsflash, people say and do stupid things. That’s called being human. There is no such thing as a saintly person who always says and does good things for the world. That’s not how it works. Sure, Rowling has said stupid things, but if that’s reason enough to get rid of someone, then that sets a dangerous precedent. Still, if WB wants to cut ties with Rowling, that would be their choice. All I can really say is that if they do that, that would give them even less of an excuse to keep a certain blonde haired bed pooper for their other franchise.
  13. That seems too early for a trailer, but maybe WB is changing up their marketing strategy again.
  14. Is anyone else inclined to think that taking GWTY off HBO Max was a publicity stunt?
  15. Was it Junkie XL or Hans Zimmer who did the Wonder Woman theme?
  16. I don’t have a problem with Junkie XL, but it is kind of unfortunate that McCreary isn’t coming back. The guy’s clearly a big Godzilla fan, and it was great hearing his take on the classic themes.
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