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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. The problem is that something like that could seriously hurt the revenue for movie theaters. Theaters have been struggling enough as it is, so it’s not surprising that theater chains would be opposed to this.
  2. In the case of WB, didn’t they still make it clear that movies like Tenet and WW84 would be released in theaters first?
  3. So, are the next Fast and Furious and Jurassic World movies going to be released directly to VoD?
  4. No. I’m really not a Snyder fan. I haven’t even seen Sucker Punch or that owl movie, nor do I have any intention of doing so. In fact, if I recall, this conversation started because I mentioned that this movie seemed to be moving away from the Snyder influences of the first one (which I was fine with), which prompted @Napoleon to mention that Snyder is still the producer on this movie. If anything, I would agree with other people in that Snyder isn’t really a good director. He’s basically Michael Bay if he tried to be like Stanley Kubrick. The highest praise I can give him is that he’s someone who has a vision, but that doesn’t mean I think movies like BvS are good.
  5. I don’t get how it is that Zack Snyder could be credited as a producer for this movie, rather than an executive producer. I thought WB cut ties with him after he left JL.
  6. The first one was at least smart and self-aware. Even from a commercial standpoint, I don’t see where the value would be in making more LEGO movies. That well just seems to have been dried up at this point.
  7. I don’t understand why you guys are placing such high predictions for every MCU film moving forward, while suggesting that anything less would be a disappointment. FFH made less money than IM3, but I don’t see people calling that a disappointment.
  8. Well, TDKR was projected to make over $190 million on OW before the shooting happened. Still, you are absolutely right that the box office has disproportionately benefitted Disney movies for the past 10 years, and that the OW for EG was nothing short of pure insanity. At this point, it’s hard to imagine that any non-Disney movie that will make it in the top 10 highest opening weekends of all time for the foreseeable future, especially in light of current events.
  9. 2020 has already proven to be one hell of a way to kick off the new decade(or the end of a decade, depending on how you’re counting). Kim Jong Un dying would just be another thing to add to the list of pure insanity this year. And to think, people said that 2016 was a crazy year...
  10. I’m pretty sure the events of EG happened around the Fall of 2023. FFH took place eight months later, and that was in Summer vacation.
  11. It’s just weird to me because ViacomCBS has their own streaming service.
  12. Isn’t South Park owned by ViacomCBS? How come they’re allowing that to stream on HBO Max?
  13. Before I saw Shazam!, I remembered thinking that the PG-13 rating seemed like it would’ve been unnecessary, but after I watched it, I realized that it was more deserving of its rating than a lot of other modern PG-13 movies, which was surprising. Anyway, this seems like it’ll probably be a pretty lighthearted movie in general, especially now that the Zack Snyder influence is more or less completely gone.
  14. Obviously, everyone knew the movie would be PG-13, but judging from that MPAA description, it sounds like it’ll be on the lighther end of a PG-13.
  15. Is there really any further value in having more LEGO movies at this point?
  16. Isn’t 2001: A Space Odyssey supposed to be on HBO Max? I’m surprised they didn’t shove HAL 9000 onto that poster.
  17. If it’s true that Nolan has a say in whether or not this film gets delayed, then he must have even more clout than I thought.
  18. I was partially joking around, but comparing the movie to Aquaman is a bit flawed. Aquaman was a PG-13 VFX driven crowd pleaser, while TSS is supposed to be rated R. The former is a much more conventional holiday release than the latter.
  19. Ay, yes, The Suicide Squad. Perfect for celebrating the holiday spirit! 😉
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