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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Imagine if the Coronavirus happened a year earlier, and Endgame got delayed. The Internet would’ve gone crazy.
  2. Sony seems to have a decent relationship with Disney, barring that brief split they had last year, so they’d probably work something out before they schedule a Spider-Man movie in the same date as an Avatar movie.
  3. If the Marvel movie scheduled for that spot is from Disney, then it won’t be Spider-Man. It seems more likely that the Blade movie will be released there. That’s the only reason I can think of for why the movie would be scheduled for October, and not November.
  4. I know. I was arguing against the notion that they were the ones who told Gadot and Affleck’s PR teams to contribute to the Snyder Cut hashtag. That would’ve been trolling the fans if they did that. As I said, it seems like they would rather just forget that the JL situation ever happened, meaning that they probably won’t release a Snyder cut.
  5. I’d like to think that as boneheaded as Tom Rothman is, even he would have to realize that a Sony streaming service would be just plain stupid.
  6. If WB has no intention of releasing the Snyder Cut, it doesn’t seem likely that they’d tease the fans by making it seem like they do. That would be bad PR that would likely backfire on them pretty quickly. By all accounts, they seem like they would rather just forget that the JL debacle ever happened.
  7. Too bad Woody Harrelson won’t have the wig in this one. That would’ve been great.
  8. By the way, since HBO Max is launching in a little over a month, does anyone know how long will it take for stuff like the Matrix movies, the Lord of the Rings movies, Goodfellas, and Inception to leave Netflix?
  9. Hot take: I don’t understand what it is about the Snyder Cut movement that gets people so riled up.
  10. The first movie did come out in the same month as Endgame, so there’s that. Anyway, it’ll be almost four years at this point.
  11. I mean, the character will most likely still be a minor in the next movie. Tom Holland was 20 when he played a 15 year old Peter Parker in Homecoming. This stuff isn’t exactly uncommon. With that said, I’d have to imagine that his growth spurt will be kind of jarring.
  12. I never understood how it could be possible for anyone with a job to not have an email address or a cell phone in this day and age, let alone a prominent movie director.
  13. Looking at the TV Tropes page for this movie made me realize that the current release date is sort of a palindrome itself. July 17, or 7-1-7. I don’t know if that was intentional, but I’d like to think that it was. Too bad it probably won’t make that date.
  14. To put the subject back squarely on the project itself, does anyone buy those rumors about how this movie is supposed to be used as an excuse to reboot the DCEU, including it being the explanation for the new Batman? I don’t personally buy that, but I guess it would be kind of interesting. Still, if that’s what they’re planning, it wouldn’t make any sense to release the Matt Reeves Batman movie before this.
  15. Asher Angel is going to be 20 by the time this movie is released. That’s kind of a weird thought.
  16. If they kept the November 1 release date, they likely would’ve had a pretty tight post-production schedule. I’ve said before that I think the movie probably could’ve made its original December 13, 2019 release date, but WB didn’t want to compete with Episode IX at the time. Besides, they obviously figured that since the first one did really well in June, they could probably repeat that for the sequel.
  17. I’m still not entirely used to not being able to look at box office numbers. It’s almost like what happened to Box Office Mojo was foreshadowing.
  18. There was that rumor from last year that Disney is contractually obligated to give this movie a theatrical release, but I don’t know why it would have to work that way.
  19. Superhero universes in general like to give off the impression of that they take place in a heightened version of “the real world.” They’re not like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, where the franchises take place entirely in their own fantasy worlds that are completely different to what we have in real life. In superhero universes, the United States of America exists, as do events like WWII. That’s not even getting into the fact that stuff like the MCU and especially the Arrowverse are chock full of pop culture references.
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