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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. But if they move all these movies to later dates, what about the movies that are supposed to be coming out in 2021? Would the Matt Reeves Batman movie have to get pushed back as well in order to accommodate for all the movies being released in close proximity to it? I wouldn’t want that.
  2. We can’t just have every movie that’s being released within the next few months getting pushed back. That would be sheer insanity.
  3. Why does The Numbers all of a sudden list this movie as having made $24.6 million on OW? I thought it made $28 million?
  4. He was in negotiations to play Dr. Strange. Supposedly, he didn’t want to sign on for a multi-film contract.
  5. Nah. The response to BvS skewed too heavily on the negative side of things, whereas MoS was more even in terms of its supporters and detractors.
  6. The movie has definitely not created the kind of passionate online discourse that MoS had back in the day, but that’s not necessarily to its advantage. People talked quite a bit about MoS. It was possibly the most talked about CBM of 2013, and for all the detractors that it had, it also had a very passionate amount of supporters, which helped it stay relevant in the time leading up to BvS. Like I said, KotM just came and went. It got subpar reviews and some pretty meh word of mouth, and was quickly forgotten about.
  7. I’ve seen plenty of YouTube comments about how awesome MoS is, especially back in the day. YouTube comments are hardly a good measurement. I’ve seen plenty of mixed comments about the movie on the Toho Kingdom forums.
  8. KotM is far from being universally loved by Godzilla fans. People like James Rolfe didn’t really like it.
  9. I don’t think it’s fair to say that KotM is more loved than MoS. MoS was divisive when it came out, but it had a lot of passionate defenders (myself among them), and was pretty commonly talked about. KotM just kind of came and went.
  10. Moving this to 2021 would be absolutely insane, considering how long ago it finished filming. Jesus Christ, these coronavirus concerns are really screwing over the film industry.
  11. Call of the Wild has a $125 million production budget? What were they thinking?
  12. Are people still talking about how BoP is doing? Honestly, even though I certainly wasn’t expecting it to do as poorly as it’s been doing, it’s tough to argue that there really wasn’t much hype for the film. Being a spin-off of a film that nobody likes was always going to be a blow against it.
  13. It’ll be interesting to see how well The Invisible Man holds in the coming weeks.
  14. Interesting that you say that, since there have been people who argued that the movie’s attempts at comic relief were forced.
  15. Just got back from seeing it. For the most part, it was appropriately tense and paranoiac, although there were some parts I found a bit silly. As far as whether or not this film will be a crowdpleaser, it’s certainly more accessible to a mainstream audience than the horror movies that A24 puts out, but probably not as much as the Conjuring and It movies.
  16. If the Tom Cruise Mummy movie is any indication, it was supposed to be this big action franchise with a lot of spectacle, as well as an overarching storyline. Essentially, it was supposed to be like the MCU, but with monsters. And yes, this was an official video from Universal’s YouTube account.
  17. The “Universal Monsters” are poorly defined anyway. Beyond the fact that characters like Dracula, the Invisible Man and the Frankenstein Monster are public domain, Universal also was apparently planning on including Quasimodo of all characters in the Dark Universe.
  18. I’ll probably check this one out. I’ve liked a lot of recent Blumhouse movies, so why not? I just wish Universal would’ve done stuff like this to begin with, instead of wasting everyone’s time with that Dark Universe nonsense.
  19. What could they possibly have that would be more damaging to Johnny Depp than Amber Heard at this point?
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