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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Unless a movie is meant to see a wide theatrical release, having a three and a half hour runtime shouldn’t matter. That’s the same length as the Ultimate Cut of Watchmen.
  2. WB clearly wanted a movie that was as short and inoffensive as possible. That’s why they gave it a two hour mandate, which is absolutely insane if the rough cut was three and a half hours long.
  3. No, Snyder has claimed that there is a rough cut of the movie that is 214 minutes long, in addition to an assembly cut that’s five hours long. Scott Mendelson assumed that the 214 minute long cut was the assembly cut, to which Snyder corrected him.
  4. So, Zack Snyder has just confirmed (or claims) that there was in fact a rough cut of the movie from when he was still on board, rather than just an assembly cut with no VFX? That would certainly make sense. The movie was in post-production from October 2016 to May 2017 when Snyder left. If they weren’t able to put together a rough cut of the movie in that span of time, then I don’t know what the hell they were doing for seven months.
  5. One thing I don’t understand about the anti-Snyder Cut people is why they keep harping on about how Snyder’s version of the film would still suck. For me personally, my interest in seeing Snyder’s movie has nothing to do with quality. I’m sure the movie would’ve been a mess, but I’d still like to see it out of curiosity. It has nothing to do with me thinking that the movie would’ve been a masterpiece until WB brought in Joss Whedon. I’d just like to be able to see what could’ve been is all.
  6. It’s the most interesting thing left to talk about when it comes to DC movies at this point.
  7. I’m assuming they just don’t want to spoil what Cheetah looks like yet.
  8. I don’t like Batman Beyond, so I can’t say I care for that. Frankly, I think it’s kind of sad that a CW crossover is apparently the closest thing DC has to an IW/EG event.
  9. They can just release the rough cut of the movie on HBO Max. Why does it need to be “complete”?
  10. When did Batman Begins have an older, crippled Bruce Wayne? Also, I don’t want to see Kevin Conroy as a live action Batman.
  11. If nothing else, I certainly have trouble believing that there isn’t a rough cut of Snyder’s version of the movie. The movie was in post production for half a year before Snyder officially left the project, and they were able to put together a trailer in March that had plenty of VFX. Honestly, who really cares if the VFX were unfinished? The thing they released in theaters had terrible VFX anyway, so what difference would it make?
  12. It supposedly has a significantly lower budget, so I guess that wouldn’t matter.
  13. Is Kate’s reaction to seeing the Kevin Conroy Bruce Wayne meant to imply that he’s the Batman of Earth-1?
  14. I believe you’re right in regards to Hulu. From what I understand, Disney+ is mostly supposed to be home to the more family friendly side of Disney. That’s why I assume stuff like Family Guy and the Alien franchise aren’t on there.
  15. I’ve been annoyed with the streaming wars nonsense from the moment it first started. The amount of hubris that all these companies have is ridiculous. Seriously, an Apple TV streaming service? Why? Anyway, since this is Disney we’re talking about, they’ll probably come out on top in the streaming wars. They have such a huge monopoly over the entertainment industry that it’s impossible to compete with them at this point. Disney buying Fox was quite possibly the worst thing to happen to the entertainment industry in the 2010s. Sorry, but the Hulk fighting Wolverine and the Avengers fighting Dr. Doom is not worth Disney becoming a monopolistic powerhouse in the world of movies and television. Before anyone says anything, I’m well aware that Rupert Murdoch was the one who decided to sell his assets to Disney in the first place, but the fact that this was allowed to happen is just appalling.
  16. It’s always nice to see a wide release film that isn’t based on a pre-existing IP do well in theaters.
  17. My biggest fear for this movie is of people potentially making memes that compare Cheetah to Cats. It’d be just like when people said that Doomsday looks like the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles.
  18. I actually haven’t watched it. It sounds like it understands the comics, but I don’t have HBO anymore.
  19. J.J. Abrams is only “safe” because he knows how to play on people’s emotions and curiosity when it comes to marketing. He pulls all kinds of manipulative tactics in order to get people to watch a movie. Just to give an example, he fooled people into thinking that a movie was a sequel to Cloverfield, even though it really had nothing to do with it. I don’t want someone like that to be in charge of a character like Superman.
  20. It’s not like Batman needs China to be successful. Joker made over a billion dollars without it.
  21. If you want to talk about well written stories, I wouldn’t even consider War for the Planet of the Apes to be one. The whole thing came across like a first draft. The writing was just sloppy at various points, such as the forced flower bit or the convenient avalanche in the climax.
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