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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. If Blade’s getting his own movie, it would’ve made sense for that movie to be rated R. Blade in general doesn’t really seem like he’d fit in with the MCU very well, at least not as a leading man. He probably would’ve worked better with the Netflix shows. Still, I guess that even Kevin Feige couldn’t turn down the chance of getting Mahershala Ali to be in the MCU (and no, Luke Cage, doesn’t count).
  2. Paramount does still have their partnership with Hasbro (assuming Disney isn’t planning on buying the damn company), so there’s that.
  3. But they probably inflated the budget for this movie as a result of the last minute redesign. The movie reportedly cost $90 million before, so now it must cost over $100 million. This could end up being yet another big budget flop for Paramount.
  4. Between Endgame and Joker, which one would people say was the more surprising success story?
  5. Does that mean it’s fair to assume we’re getting a trailer within the coming week?
  6. 18 is pretty young. I was still in high school when I turned 18 and people at that age aren’t even allowed to drink in the United States.
  7. I didn’t even realize some of the people here were so young. That sure makes me feel old.
  8. I don’t want to dislike MovieBob, since I assume he means well, but the guy often just comes across as the kind of person who gives BreadTubers a bad name. He just always seems to resort to strawmen, and his claim about DC movies appealing to the alt-right crowd while Marvel movies appeal to left wingers always came across as a condescending generalization.
  9. If this makes less than Alita, that would be a pretty solid indication of just how much Genisys killed any hype for the franchise.
  10. Yeah, because if there’s one thing we definitely needed to hear, it’s the opinion of a corporate executive for a company that owns 95% of Hollywood...
  11. BvS wasn’t rushed. The film was pushed back by nearly a year so that they would have more time to work on it.
  12. Has the director of Catwoman even done anything else of note? Also, regardless of Zack Snyder’s shortcomings, I’m not particularly looking forward to a J.J. Abrams directed Superman movie. I imagine it’ll just be a lot like SR.
  13. Didn’t Fox co-finance this film? If it flops, that should at least ease the blow a bit.
  14. David Crow Den of Geek The film currently has a 63% RT with 19 reviews. I have no idea how or why. His review sounds reasonably positive to me. Is he saying that a 63% is too high or too low?
  15. Even though I’m not one of those people who likes to jump on the “Zack Snyder sucks” bandwagon, I certainly do wish he didn’t insist on making the characters in Watchmen seem “cool”, when the whole point of the graphic novel was that these people (especially Rorschach) are crazy and pathetic. We might not have had to deal with all of these “HOW DARE THEY MAKE WATCHMEN WOKE” videos on YouTube if that were the case.
  16. I’m not even accusing the people criticizing the show for being “woke” racists or sexists. I just think it’s really baffling that they’d call a show “woke garbage” for having the message of “white supremacists are bad”, or that they’d be outraged about Rorschach inspiring a bunch of racist nuts. Alan Moore specifically wrote Rorschach as a far right extremist with regressive views on women, and a hypocritical admiration for fascists and rapists. Rorschach was never meant to be seen as a noble or “badass” 90s anti-hero.
  17. You got to be joking... There are a bunch of YouTube channels that are calling the HBO Watchmen show “woke garbage”. Uh, hello? Do these people not know who Alan Moore is? Do these people really think that Rorschach was written as a character you’re supposed to ad ire, even though Alan Moore has made it very clear that the character is a far right nut job with a dangerously skewed view on morality and women?
  18. We should bring Orson Welles and Stanley Kubrick back from the dead and ask them what they think of Marvel/superhero movies.
  19. That scene gets sillier the more I think about it. It’s like the kind of thing you’d expect from a CW show.
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