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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Could this possibly be the movie that will have the honor of dethroning Avengers: Endgame from number one spot for the weekend?
  2. As far as The Lone Ranger is concerned, there have been films based on the character before. Still, I guess if that’s the definition you’re using, then fair enough.
  3. A Wrinkle in Time, The BFG, John Carter, and The Lone Ranger are not original films. Those are based on pre-existing IPs. Tomorrowland was also technically based on a theme park ride, but I guess it’s debatable whether or not that matters.
  4. If King Shark is one of the protagonists of this movie, they might as well give it an R-rating.
  5. Well, if that embargo is any indication, this movie might not be a critical darling. Disney generally only lifts embargoes for their movies the week of its release if they either want to avoid spoilers spreading like wildfire (TFA/Endgame) or if they have no real confidence in the film. I’m starting to think that May is going to be a pretty underwhelming month at the box office this year. Edit: I just remembered that CM also lifted its embargo pretty late. Never mind.
  6. Why is Disney even releasing New Mutants in theaters to begin with? Just put it on Hulu or something.
  7. She was garbage in the 90s cartoons as well. She served no purpose beyond being the Joker’s obnoxious trophy wife and an occasional gal pal to Poison Ivy. I keep hearing people say that she makes the Joker a more compelling character, and it just baffles me. How does making the Joker a domestic abuser in anyway make him more compelling? Oh, and I’m not a feminist, but the character’s entire existence seems rather misogynistic, especially in the original Mad Love comic, where it was established that she only made it as far as she did in life because she did the nasty with her college professors. She was easily the worst part of the DCAU, and I don’t even particularly like that setting.
  8. Ugh. I completely forgot that abomination is rumored to be in this movie. God, I hate that character.
  9. I distinctly remember there having been a time when this movie was supposed to come out in 2014, then 2015, then 2016, and so on.
  10. The other sequels getting pushed back seems to have at least partially been done to accommodate Star Wars.
  11. James Gunn worked on some pretty edgy movies before GotG. The live action Scooby Doo film (which he wrote) was even supposed to be rated R.
  12. I am Legend and LotR were PG-13. As for Django, that movie did well, but it wasn’t the top movie of December 2012.
  13. But what if this movie is rated R? That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing you’d release over the holidays.
  14. As far as Avatar is concerned, I don’t know if this sounds silly or what, but back in 2010/2011, I remembered thinking that the Avatar franchise had a shot at being this generation’s Star Wars. After all, both A New Hope and Avatar were movies that brought these new alien worlds and creatures to life with groundbreaking effects, and both were the highest grossing movies of their respective times. Plus, while Avatar didn’t exactly have the most original story or characters, the same could honestly be said for ANH. Of course, at this point, it’s probably safe to say that the MCU is the new Star Wars, while Star Wars is trying to be the new MCU, and there’s no telling how Avatar will fare as a franchise.
  15. I mean, Nicole Kidman is only six years older than Patrick Wilson and yet...
  16. Well, if Michael Eisner was able to claim that The Lion King was an original movie, despite it being a blatant ripoff of Kimba the White Lion, there’s no reason that Avatar can’t be considered an original movie. Anyway, Titanic had a much more impressive run than Avatar, if you ask me.
  17. I doubt it. Still, do they even have time to redesign Sonic before the movie comes out? This just sounds like a Justice League situation all over again.
  18. I’ve said it before, but I really don’t think the OW numbers for BvS were that impressive. The movie just barely made $166 million on OW, which is only slightly more than what the Nolan Batman movies made, and those movies didn’t benefit from 3D tickets or early Thursday “preview” screenings. It pains me to say it, since I had spent nearly three years of my life anxiously anticipating the film, but the hype for BvS was never on the level of pretty much any of the Avengers movies, and Batman’s popularity has clearly dropped since then. I’m not saying that Batman can’t make a comeback, but as of right now, I see no reason to assume that the property is still the juggernaut it was 10 years ago. The character has been completely upstaged by the MCU. That’s just a simple fact.
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