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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Well, the net neutrality thing wouldn’t have been an issue if the DoJ wasn’t so insistent on killing net neutrality, while simultaneously trying to thwart the merger between AT&T and Time Warner, yet conveniently giving the Disney and Fox deal a pass just because it benefits Trump’s buddy.
  2. Is the AT&T and Time Warner deal really any worse than Comcast owning NBCUniversal? I’m not saying the deal shouldn’t be concerning, but as far as I can tell, it has no real bearing on the film industry specifically, which is what I was referring to when I mentioned that Disney is becoming a monopoly.
  3. I have placed plenty of blame on Rupert Murdoch for deciding to sell most of his company, but I’m also placing a good deal of blame on the DoJ for approving of the deal. I never claimed that Disney is some kind of dictatorship (although everything I’ve heard would suggest that it’s not a pleasant company to work for) that’s forcing other studios out of business.
  4. Believe me, I have no interest in seeing anything else they’re putting out this year, but I also have no business in telling other people what they should or shouldn’t see. I’m simply pointing out that in order for the film industry to thrive, it’s not good for one studio to own literally half of it.
  5. Since this is the Fanboy Wars Thread, I guess I’ll say that TDK still remains my favorite CBM of all time. I liked Endgame overall, but I’d be lying if I said that there weren’t parts of it that I thought were kind of boring. There were certainly parts of it that had me at the edge of my seat, but there were also large portions of the movie that I wasn’t super invested in. Also, I know that some people like to give TDK flack for how convoluted it supposedly was, but I honestly think that Endgame was much more confusing and convoluted. The only thing about TDK that I kind of had trouble suspending my disbelief for was how easily the Joker was able to execute his plans, but even then, I was able to hand wave that stuff as being pure luck on his part.
  6. They don’t have a strategy right now. They’ve already gone on record to state that they’re done with the shared universe thing for a while now, and will focus primarily on individual films instead, and that’s for the best at this point. Believe it or not, they actually did have a plan while Snyder was overseeing the DC movieverse. Snyder had five movies planned, and he shared those plans with the public just last month. Needless to say, that didn’t work out for them. While a big part of the problems with the shared DC movie universe did boil down to Snyder being such a polarizing filmmaker, I can’t imagine that anyone could’ve made the thing work without it coming off as a pale imitation of the MCU.
  7. I agree that the movie didn’t connect with people, hence its historically awful legs. I’m just saying that I think we severely overestimated just how much hype there was for the movie in the first place.
  8. It would’ve had better legs for sure, I’m not arguing that. I’m simply saying that in a hypothetical scenario where the movie managed to be well received, I think it probably would’ve crossed the $900 million mark, but would’ve fallen short of a billion.
  9. I don’t know about you, but in the days leading up to BvS, I remember there having been endless cynicism from every corner of the Internet in regards to BvS. The trailers received all kinds of ridicule from people, especially the Doomsday one.
  10. $873 million isn’t bad, but even for 2016, it was hardly an Earth shattering feat. The movie also opened to lower numbers than Iron Man 3 and Civil War, and given that word of mouth doesn’t usually severely impact a film until after a sizable number of people have seen it, that would suggest that the film probably never had a shot at a $200 million opening, even if it was seen as a good movie. For the record, I’m more of a DC fan than a Marvel fan, and was nervously anticipating BvS from the day it was announced back in 2013, right up to its release. With that said, DC never had a chance at replicating the success that Marvel had with a shared universe. There’s no point in denying that at this point.
  11. She’s a completely pointless character who was created by some creepy perverts, and who has a backstory that’s unbelievably stupid even by comic book standards. Her backstory is that she’s a ditzy airhead who had sex with her college professors in order to get a PhD (pretty sure that’s not how getting a PhD works), and who somehow was stupid enough to fall in love with the Joker, who, according to Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, is apparently the DC equivalent of Ted Bundy (ugh). Her entire existence relegates the Joker to playing the unbelievably forced, predictable and overused trope of the abusive boyfriend, which I absolutely despise. The Joker is supposed to be an unpredictable force of nature. Making your bad guy a domestic abuser is just about the laziest and most predictable way of showing how evil they are. Beyond that, she also has an ear gratingly obnoxious voice. Is that good enough of an explanation for why I hate the character?
  12. They have WW84 coming out that same year. They don’t need trash characters like Harley Quinn.
  13. DC is doing alright at the moment. They’re obviously not even remotely on the same playing field as Marvel, but they’ve managed to bounce back okay after JL. With that said, I sincerely hope that Birds of Prey flops big time. Harley Quinn is and always has been a terrible and utterly worthless character, and anytime she’s in something, I want that thing to fail on principle.
  14. Just because one film managed to make a billion dollars doesn’t mean another film could do the same. Aquaman was a VFX heavy film that relied on spectacle, rather than novelty to sell itself, and ultimately, places like China love a good spectacle. BvS never would’ve been comparable in terms of spectacle.
  15. They never would’ve been able to come even close to where Marvel has managed to be for the simple reason that the MCU did the shared universe thing first. Even if BvS had been a well received movie, it wouldn’t have been seen as the kind of event that the first Avengers film was. Frankly, I have doubts that the movie would’ve even been able to make a billion dollars in any scenario. It probably could’ve passed the $900 million mark if it was good, but it never would’ve been a massive event.
  16. There is no chance in hell that the movie would’ve opened to $200 million, even if it was universally loved. Bad word of mouth affects a movie’s legs, but if the movie is hyped enough, it wouldn’t have any significant effect on the OW numbers. People just weren’t all that hyped for BvS to begin with. It sucks to have to admit that, since I’ve always been more of a DC person than a Marvel person, but the truth is that because Marvel did the shared universe crazy first, DC and WB never had a chance of matching them.
  17. He didn’t marry his adopted daughter. Soon-Yi’s father was Andre Previn, not Woody Allen. He and Mia Farrow were never even married. I’m not trying to suggest that Allen is innocent, but there’s no need to twist the facts to make him look worse than he already does.
  18. He says she did that, but she denies it. Frankly, the whole situation between Depp and Heard is a massive shit show of he said, she said. It reminds me of the Woody Allen/Mia Farrow debacle, where Allen was accused of molesting Dylan, while Mia Farrow was accused not only of coaching her, but also of abusing some of her other kids. I guess the moral of both of these stories is to never be in a relationship, ever.
  19. As far as the Morbius film is concerned, I kind of get the feeling that as the film gets closer to release, there might be some MeToo stories regarding Leto. There have always been rumors about Leto being a bit of a creep, and James Gunn flat out accused him of it.
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