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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. They’re probably going to show her in the initial trailer, which will most likely be released at Comic Con.
  2. Well, they didn’t cast an Arab actress to play Jasmine, but then again, given the general attitude that Americans have towards Middle Eastern people, it’s somewhat impressive that they even bothered to cast an Arab actor as the title character.
  3. It is. I’m saying that they’d be more likely to move that film compared to this one.
  4. No. They’d be stupid to worry about that, at least as far as this film is concerned. Godzilla vs Kong might be a different story.
  5. Eh. The Mummy did alright overseas, and I can’t imagine that this movie will make less than $100 million domestically. Well, not unless people mistakenly think this is a movie about Muslims.
  6. I’m not saying that Disney will go bankrupt or anything, but if two of the three remakes they’re releasing this year end up not doing very well, could that potentially give them pause moving forward?
  7. Yeesh. I heard people vaguely compare TLK to some Japanese thing, but I assumed that the similarities were probably fairly inconsequential. This is downright shameful. And people call Inception a rip off of Paprika?
  8. I never said that. The truth is that Hollywood has never been especially original. Some of the most beloved films of all time are adaptations of pre-existing works, such as The Wizard of Oz, The Godfather and Jaws.
  9. In all honesty, Disney has never been especially interested in being completely original. Most of their successful animated films are adaptations of already existing fairy tales and books. Even The Lion King, despite technically being an original film, takes a lot of inspiration from Hamlet. With that being said, I’m definitely not a fan of these remakes.
  10. Well, that’s certainly something. I don’t know if I’d say it’s a good something, but it is something.
  11. I know I’m late to the controversy here, but I will say that I’m glad Neeson was willing to voluntarily come clean about this. He could’ve kept this story to himself and no one would’ve ever found out about it, so the fact that he shared this with people would suggest that he feels deeply ashamed over the whole thing. Before anyone says anything, I’m not excusing what he was thinking at the time. I’m simply saying that people tend to be very complex.
  12. In hindsight, I’m a little embarrassed that I was worried about this movie’s performance. I don’t know how I forgot that with the exception of Star Wars, movies that open in December tend to have lower opening weekends and significantly stronger legs.
  13. So, is anyone going to comment on the rumor that this movie’s Ghostbusters might be as young as 12? That would be pretty stupid if it’s true.
  14. Wow, this thread is really active despite barely being a day old and having no real information to go off of.
  15. Apparently. That’s pretty much exactly what I remember thinking that the 2016 film should’ve done.
  16. So, Paramount has their Spongebob movie scheduled for the same day that this film is being released? I could’ve sworn that movie was scheduled for August. I’m guessing someone’s gonna move.
  17. Suicide Squad came out at a different point in time. I know it was only two and a half years ago, but a lot has changed between then and now.
  18. I don’t know if I’m just being a negative Nancy, but I can’t help but wonder if Jared Leto’s involvement will cause this film to generate some controversy when it’s closer to release. Apart from all the people who have described him as being a pretentious dick, there have also been certain rumors about him that could definitely lead to some significant public backlash in the current era we live in.
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