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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. The reactions are about what I was expecting, which is good news.
  2. Frankly, the whole “Alita challenge” thing has soured me on the film as a whole. I thought the movie was fine, if a bit awkward in places, but I was rooting for it to get a sequel regardless. However, the moment the anti-SJW types (including noted creepy douche James Woods) apparently decided to use the film as a vehicle for their anti-CM propaganda, I’m not so sure I want to see a sequel.
  3. Damn shame too. While I’m not a sucker for romance, I was intrigued by the idea of Chris Nolan making such a film, since it sounds like the kind of thing that’s out of his comfort zone.
  4. I never had any questions. I was simply answering the other poster’s question.
  5. There’s not a default rule for what kind of rating constitutes as being fresh. As far as critics like Matthew Lickona are concerned, a 2/5 is a positive rating, while for other critics, a 2.5/4 might be a negative rating.
  6. Sounds all well and good. Perfect runtime and a promising embargo date.
  7. All corporations engage in shady business practices, but I think the reason Disney in particular gets singled out is because they try to pass themselves off as this squeaky clean family company that’s full of people who don’t have a mean bone in their bodies. That and, a lot of people apparently think they stand for social justice, because of Kathleen Kennedy and Brie Larson.
  8. The idea of Christopher Nolan directing a romantic thriller certainly sounds interesting. His most sentimental film to date has been Interstellar, but that’s also one of his more divisive movies.
  9. Isn’t that what Brie Larson wants? Also, Woods has made tweets about things like Somalian immigrants at a mall, Obama secretly being a Muslim, and Illhan Omar eating goat soup. Oh, and he also didn’t approve of the removal of Confederate monuments.
  10. On the subject of Eminem, the guy’s promoting the trailer on his YouTube channel.
  11. That does raise a question regarding Asher Angel’s longevity in the role. Is he going to keep playing Billy well into adulthood?
  12. James Woods is a creepy moron who makes all kinds of semi-racist old man rants.
  13. Someone should tell him that not only is CM going to make a lot more money than Alita, but that Alita is going to be a Disney movie soon... Oh who am I kidding? James Woods is the same guy who thinks that Disney owns TBS...
  14. This might seem like an odd question, but are the comments for the upcoming trailer going to be disabled? From what I’ve heard, YouTube is apparently going to be disabling the comments section for videos that feature minors in order to prevent predatory behavior, so would that include any videos for this film?
  15. Am I missing something? When did there start being an argument about politics and race in this thread?
  16. Well, that Wolfhard kid is apparently 16 years old, so I’m assuming that should more or less confirm that the new Ghostbusters won’t be a bunch of 12 year olds. I still don’t really understand why they have to be kids, though. Even Extreme Ghostbusters went with college students.
  17. I distinctly recall the president of New Line saying back in 2014 that this movie would be “fun” and “light”. Also, I guess I just broke my vow to not comment on this thread anymore.
  18. Considering that David Duke basically is a real life cartoon, I don’t see any problem with how Spike Lee depicted him.
  19. Simply making a lot of money shouldn’t be a factor in whether or not a film deserves to win Best Picture. Of course, it should be noted that GB is the highest grossing (domestically speaking) Best Picture winner since Argo, so there’s that.
  20. Wait, is GB an “SJW” movie or not? The term gets thrown around so much these days that I can’t keep track of which is which.
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