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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. There was a similar fiasco with BvS before that movie was released. For whatever reason, Twitter bots are a really common thing, and it’s pretty goddamn annoying. People laugh whenever they hear about “Russian bots”, but if there’s one thing these past couple of years have taught me, it’s that nothing is too far fetched.
  2. Since it’s looking more and more likely that this movie will be a stinker, I can only hope that it’s an entertaining stinker like Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, and not an empty bore like Fant4stic.
  3. Didn’t Jay Olivia state that Snyder showed him storyboards for BvS before MoS was released?
  4. All this talk here about Suicide Squad has made me realize that there are a number of parallels between that movie and this, and while those parallels might bold well for this movie’s financial performance, they certainly don’t paint a good image from a critical standpoint. Interestingly enough, Tom Hardy was originally supposed to be in SS.
  5. I haven’t read the New 52 Shazam comics, but wasn’t the idea for Billy to start off as an angsty brat, only to slowly more idealistic over time?
  6. No way it moves to the 19th. That’s when Mary Poppins is set to be released, and there’s a strong chance that’ll be the biggest film of the month. At this point, Aquaman will either need to stay where it is, or move up to January.
  7. Jesus Christ! These movies are all going to be fighting for screens like nobody’s business. Assuming this film is meant to be an awards contender, they should’ve given it a limited release. I guess this also means that there’s no way WB is moving Aquaman to December 14 in North America now.
  8. I guess in the event that this movie turns out to be a big stinker, we can expect it to be the next BvS in terms of how much of a laughing stock it would be.
  9. So it seems that the chances of this movie being a dud have just gotten even more likely. I can’t say I’m upset about it, since I never had a whole lot of faith in this movie to begin with, but Sony might want to consider leaving the Spider-Man movies to Marvel.
  10. I do appreciate how quick David F. Sandberg always is to clear things up.
  11. Aquaman is rumored to have its next trailer for New York Comic Con. Still, it is pretty odd to hear that they apparently have another trailer four this movie on the way already.
  12. I really don’t think the DC brand is strong enough at the moment for this movie to make a billion dollars. Then again, I guess we’ll have to wait and see how Aquaman and Shazam! do.
  13. I think the general argument is that if this movie had an R-rating, it would’ve been much more likely to actually stand out from most of the other superhero movies out there. This movie honestly looks fairly generic as it is, and a PG-13 rating isn’t going to help in that regard. It’s like with Suicide Squad. While an R-rating alone wouldn’t have made that movie good, it would’ve given them the chance to actually take advantage of the premise of the film (where the main characters are supposed to be bad guys), which would’ve at least helped make the movie feel like less of a wannabe Guardians of the Galaxy.
  14. I’m not saying the Oscars would see fantastic numbers, but at the very least, people might feel like they’d have an actual reason to tune in. I suppose they could also throw in some Best Director and Best Supporting actor (Michael B. Jordan) nods as well, if they really want to give the impression that Black Panther has a chance of winning something big.
  15. If Black Panther gets nominated for Best Picture, that alone should help the Oscars see a noticeable spike in viewership compared to this year. It would most likely annoy a number of film snobs, but it’s not like there’s no precedent for big budget blockbuster movies getting nominated for that award.
  16. The reviews are kind of disappointing. I was already on the fence about seeing this movie to begin with, but now I’m thinking that I might just wait till this thing is available for streaming.
  17. While I don’t have a dog in the argument as to whether or not Black’s friend should be allowed to work again, the big problem here is that Black didn’t inform anyone else about his friend’s past. It’s one thing to feel bad for someone who’s been a friend of yours for years, but it’s another thing to try and hide what the guy has done from the people you’re working with. It doesn’t help that Black has cast the guy in films that prominently feature child actors.
  18. I have to say, this whole situation is certainly far more worthy of outrage than those old tweets by James Gunn.
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