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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I’m guessing Marvel’s plan a few months ago was to announce the cast at Comic Con, but the SAG strike obviously made that impossible.
  2. I don’t think Zaslav is any worse morally speaking than most of the other CEOs, but he’s one of the more obnoxious ones. Every time I see a picture of him or hear about one of his statements, my big takeaway is how incredibly smug and out of touch he is. He’s a wannabe Bob Iger, and Bob Iger sucks too.
  3. People are free to watch and enjoy whatever they want, but I find it pretty obnoxious how many of the supporters of this movie are trying to act like anyone who doesn’t support it and view it as the most important film of the century doesn’t care about children or is a pedo. That’s no different from saying that not liking Crash makes you racist. You’re not going to help end child trafficking by watching this. It’s just a movie.
  4. To be fair, the CEOs haven’t been doing themselves any favors with their response to the strike.
  5. I’m sure certain people will be ecstatic that Jimmy Olsen will apparently be a white ginger person in this.
  6. As I said, I prefer the idea that April is like the turtle’s cool big sister. I certainly don’t like making her a potential love interest for any of them.
  7. Zachary Levi and Stephen Amell DGAF anymore. They’ve gone full mask-off.
  8. I was going to say that they could simply make the character British like what they did with Professor X, but then I suppose that would mean Johnny would have to be British too.
  9. Delaying a movie that already has a trailer by an entire year? That doesn’t sound like a great idea.
  10. A lot of people do t seem to realize that PG-13 movies don’t actually enforce age restrictions. If a person under 13 wants to watch a PG-13 movie without a parent or guardian, they’re free to do so. It’s not exactly common for 13 year olds to carry around proof of their age anyway. They don’t have driver’s licenses.
  11. A Summer release date for this doesn’t sit right with me for some reason. Yeah, I know, there’s a lot of sand in this, but Fall feels much more appropriate for something like this. Besides, it already has a two year gap from its predecessor. Anything longer than that might not be beneficial.
  12. Dunkirk falling out of the top 250 was something I remember being a bit surprised by. Christopher Nolan is such a darling on IMDb that I didn’t expect a critically acclaimed war movie from him to fall that “low.”
  13. I have trouble believing there are going to be any noteworthy calls to edit the movie and get rid of Lizzo’s song.
  14. Why do they even have to go there in the first place? She doesn’t need to have any romantic interest in them. I always liked to see her as a big sister figure to them. Besides, that stuff isn’t exactly uncommon in superhero stories. The MCU has been doing it too.
  15. If the strike really does get resolved before September (I’m not counting on it, but this does seem reassuring), then Sony either jumped the gun when they delayed Kraven as far back as they did, or they’re giving it the Morbius treatment.
  16. Regarding April, I’ll just say this; I don’t understand why making her a teenager has seemingly become the norm in the Nickelodeon era, outside of the Michael Bay films. Why exactly can’t April be an adult? Is this part of the mindset from executives that kids can’t relate to adult characters?
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