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Everything posted by TheManFromBeyond

  1. Well that didn't last long: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/superfly_2018 Just been going down since reviews came out. Now at 53% critics wise (62% for audiences).
  2. That's my guess on what will happen. BOP is not filming until January at the earliest, so my guess is summer is when Squad will start. That way O'Connor and Affleck can do that film they signed on for.
  3. Quentin bringing attention to older obscure film as usual lol. Already added it to my watchlist. Also, I saw some footage from the set on Instagram, but it seems to have been taken down. Not much shown (don't think any notable cast members where there), but Edgar Wright visited the set.
  4. Here's a few lovely set photos before filming begins: https://imgur.com/a/okq2Rn8 There's also this entertaining thread on Twitter:
  5. No this is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detective_Pikachu_(film)
  6. Welp, I must say for a film that was made in only 7 months, it's impressive to see it get that good of reviews. Not sure if I'll see it in the theater, but credit where credit is due.
  7. I'd like to imagine the strangeness of the marketing could really help this film's BO. Fox set the October date after Venom came out, so it seems like they're sticking to it and have confidence in the current date. Hopefully it will work out.
  8. Looks like filming has begun: https://www.theterminatorfans.com/terminator-2019-will-be-set-post-judgment-day/
  9. Both this and A Star Is Born could be good counterprogramming to Venom, but I think all three are gonna hurt each other. October seems like it's gonna be a pretty messy month in general.
  10. Charlie Heaton and Anya Taylor-Joy were at some Dior event last week, and the former spoke about the reshoots for the film, confirming my belief that the cast's schedules were a cause in the delay for reshoots: “We’re doing some additional photography when we can get the cast back together. Obviously, we have Maisie [Williams] doing ‘Game of Thrones’ right now,” said Heaton. “These things take time, so I know they’re going to do reshoots hopefully at the end of the year, or the start of the next,” he added. “What’s important, I think, is making sure that the movie that we want to release is the movie that’s right for the project. Personally, I’d rather it be the right movie.” Source: http://wwd.com/eye/parties/paris-jackson-stranger-things-stars-jamie-heaton-natalia-dyer-attend-dior-dinner-montmatre-paris-1202681915/
  11. So even as someone who's been a supporter of this, even I'll say that those numbers are not good. This film will NEED word of mouth to survive, and since there's not much releasing in the next two weeks, it could be an advantage for it. But yeeesh. I do think this film will still break even, maybe even a small profit, but that's not very good so far. Now, as for what I think this means for LucasFilm and Star Wars going forward, there's a few different things to take into account. I thought about how Marvel did in their early years, and there are some surprising similarities, such as BTS trouble: Marvel had issues with Edgar Wright, Jon Favreau, Alan Taylor and even Joss Whedon on their films, and it wasn't until Phase 3 that their BTS issues seemed to cool down. With LucasFilm, so far they've had Phil Lord and Chris Miller, Josh Trank and Colin Trevorrow leave before or during production (Gareth Edwards was in a weird position in terms of his title), and similar to Marvel, that has been in their early days. One thing that LucasFilm didn't do that Marvel did though was have a film underperform right after a hit. Remember The Incredible Hulk and how it didn't even double its budget worldwide despite coming out only a month after Iron Man? That's why you haven't seen another Hulk standalone film. Solo was 5 months after Last Jedi, but giving some time between films is better than no time. So here's what I think will happen: Disney keeps SW in December, or at the very least not in May if they release anytime else (AND ESPECIALLY not on Memorial Day weekend). They'll go back to being out a year inbetween as well, and Episode IX has an advantage by coming out more than a year and a half after Solo, so by the time it starts its marketing, people will likely be more excited for SW again than they were for Solo. Some folks say that SW isn't special anymore, and while I think it stopped being special a long time ago, it should still feel like an event. Some franchises get away with it (again, Marvel is a good example), but SW NEEDS that hype. Oh, and I don't think Kathleen Kennedy is going anywhere for the time being. If Kevin Feige could get away with all the drama that happened on in Marvel's early years despite those being his first major producing credits, I don't see why Kathleen shouldn't, especially given Force Awakens, Rogue One and Last Jedi's BO numbers and her much longer and well known track record. If Episode IX doesn't pass Last Jedi, then I could see her getting the boot. But until that happens, I think she's good for the time being. Anyway, sorry for all the words, just had a lot to say.
  12. This isn't really relevant, but it is very unlikely that Venom will get an R rating. Especially with comments that Tom Hardy made at CinemaCon.
  13. Yeah, Kian Lawley, a YT vlogger, got fired after a video of him using racial slurs was found. He was replaced with KJ Apa, the star of Riverdale.
  14. http://bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3500564/next-years-pet-sematary-gets-minor-release-date-change/ Film has been moved up two weeks to April 5th, where it will take on Shazam! (new DC film) and Greyhound (WWII film starring Tom Hanks). EDIT: God dammit Eric
  15. I like the idea of the film, and I'm always up for a wide released slasher film. I will say that with Neil Marshall (The Descent, Dog Soldiers) previously being attached to the film, going to Gregory Plotkin (who's only feature directorial credit was Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension) feels like a step down. Though I think it'd be funny if they marketed it with "From the EDITOR of GET OUT". Also according to IMDb, Gary Dauberman (It, the Conjuring spinoffs) contributed to the script, so that's kinda cool.
  16. Even if this film blows, I think Chalamet is definitely gonna get some awards attention. From all the reports about the test screenings, the one consistent thing I've seen is that he's fantastic in the film.
  17. https://twitter.com/slashfilm/status/997248382841245697 Trailer will be with some showings of Deadpool, so it should be online soon after. The tweet also contains an....interesting gif...
  18. There's a chance that TMZ report might be BS:
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