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charlie Jatinder

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Everything posted by charlie Jatinder

  1. My question was, where did he spent $100mn because VFx are bad. $100mn should give you very decent VFx. Is he paid too much like $20mn? or some big actor in film paid too much. This is what a $25mn Indian film look and $15mn of it went to just two actor's fees.
  2. I think marketing. The film releasing all of sudden in December was surprise. I still can't believe WB is dumping it like this. Usually you have cast of film doing rounds of interviews and promotional events. When the first trailer came, it was red hot but that was so long ago. After that all the promos were basically footage from first trailer. So there wasn't any reignition in the buzz. Other reason I would like to believe though could be just something I think, in MCU you want to watch every film because something happens in every film. If not general audience, after 10 years there's a big enough 100mn plus hard core fans across world who are keeping up with what's happening and then there are millions of casual fans. WW84 felt like a standalone film. DCEU is going nowhere. So there wasn't any thrill as such. To top all these, the film is coming in free next week. It will be interesting to see how the traffic of film outside America is next week after its HBO Max release, when it hit piracy platform. I think China social media will be best judge of it.
  3. One film I very surprised Chinese didn't like is Baahubali. It should have done HUGE there.
  4. So I watched the trailer of The Rescue. Where did they put the $100mn budget? The VFx and action looks pathetic.
  5. I am divided on two; will this do a TDK over Batman Begin and increase massively or normal non-MCU Spider-man trend of declining. The first one did leg out pretty huge number, which isn't an Incredible 2 level just yet so the scope of growth is definitely there.
  6. I don't see any reason WW84 doing over FFH domestically in normalcy but then no one thought WW would go over SM:H and GoTG2. The film wasn't that great per se. One of the biggest box office surprises for me.
  7. Peninsula till 17 Dec 2020 South Korea: $27.6mn Taiwan: $12mn Vietnam: $3.7mn Singapore: $2.7mn Malaysia: $2.5mn Thailand: $2.5mn Hong Kong: $2.15mn Mexico: $1.6mn France: $1.2mn North America: $1.2mn Middle East: $0.8mn Russia: $0.5mn Australia: $0.45mn Brazil: $0.25mn Germany: $0.25mn Rest: $1.5mn Approx Total: $61mn
  8. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WonderWoman1984?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#WonderWoman1984</a> grossed $11mn Approx on Friday internationally (exc. Latin America), taking its total to $14.5mn Approx (exc. LA). China was the top play with $6.6mn followed by $1.2mn Taiwan, $0.55mn Japan and $0.5mn in Thailand.<br><br>Should go for $41-42mn weekend (exc. LA). <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WW84?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#WW84</a> <a href="https://t.co/92HPWDcNea">pic.twitter.com/92HPWDcNea</a></p>&mdash; charlie. (@meJat32) <a href="https://twitter.com/meJat32/status/1340186599175294977?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  9. Demon Slayer Worldwide till 17 Dec 2020 Japan - $293.40mn Taiwan - $19.75mn Hong Kong - $3.75mn Thailand - $2.95mn Vietnam - $0.52mn Rest - $0.8mn Approx Total - $321.17mn Approx or ¥33.58Bn
  10. Permission to suggest? PS. Am I in the list. Only person I know I am on ignore list is @titanic2187
  11. And CM opened with ¥230mn as compared to ¥45mn of WW84. Post that legs were trash. CM did $150mn being an MCU film, releasing before Endgame.
  12. Ohh. Anyways relatively good pre-sales for Saturday of WW84. Can see 60mn happening. Weekend could be close to $25mn afterall.
  13. BTW even Taopiaopiao rating of The Rescue is 8.9. Opening is down IMO but can have a good run till CNY.
  14. WW84 in normalcy could have done Billion dollar, more likely around $900mn I guess. USA would have been most likely be around Far From Home or lower. China would have done around $100mn only as WoM is said to be mixed, that could have been case in some other Asian markets but I can comment on that only after I watch it.
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