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Straight-to-DVD (2/10)



  1. Enjoy the show! I'm really hoping they extend this through the holidays and it doesn't lose too many screens because the WOM doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon.
  2. It looks like even the Japanese fans are getting in on the memes https://twitter.com/war_ker02/status/1731490562044534820?t=UKAnPGB_aYRU-flS3Xgq9A&s=19
  3. I don't think I've seen anything mentioned by any major outlets, but I've seen $100m floating around online at various places. Not sure how reliable that is though.
  4. So the car scenes look like they could be interesting and exciting, but the characters and drama in that trailer have put a damper on my expectations. Looks like a pretty generic by the numbers underdog story.
  5. It's interesting that people tend to gravitate towards newer movies. I'd throw in a couple classics like Gone with the Wind or Ben Hur
  6. So basically even with optimistic/average predictions it will still be losing more money than Shazam with a good chance it looses significantly more than Shazam due to its budget. Thats really such a shame, but It seems like it will be the biggest bomb of the year, not sure what else i could expect to do worse that's coming out this year
  7. Looking at it like this I guess they are about the same? DnD could still have some good holds and make a bit more since it still has a little bit of time in theaters.
  8. At this point D&D is looking to be a bigger bomb than Shazam? I think in terms of monetary loss it's definitely worse.
  9. One Thing about the Gran Turismo series is that it's always focused on the cars and showcasing them. I think if this movie does that it should be pretty good. I wouldn't mind the story being too shallow if the racing action is Epic, which it seems like we should be getting? At least right now I'm cautiously optimistic about this. I also love Neill Blomkamp's films so I might be a little biased in that lol
  10. I with you but I'm not as pessimistic about $100m DOM, I think it will hold a little better over the next couple weeks. But I agree the international side pretty much sealed the deal of this movie flopping hard and I don't really have a good explanation for that. My guess is just the lack of brand recognition? In the states I would say that anything branded DND has a sort of negative connotation for the general audience, even though that has been changing recently. I feel like most people would be like "oh that nerd thing?" or would remember the first movie from 2000. Either way it doesn't exactly scream "Must See" I don't know how to gauge the international markets other than there is no brand recognition and nothing about the trailers that grabbed anyone other than the core fanbase. Add on top of that the Lukewarm response from the US/Core Fans and it just did not generate the hype needed to get people in seats. I wont mention the terrible choice of release date, but I do wonder if they didn't include "dungeons and dragons" in the title if audiences would have been more receptive? When you look at the most popular DND properties for media they generally don't have anything mentioning DND in them. For Example the Vox Machina animated series is based on a DND campaign and most would only know that because someone told them or they looked into it. I still think this will sell a lot of Merch and do fairly well on streaming but the hopes of a sequel are completely gone at this point. I hope it finds an audience in the aftermarket and becomes a new cult classic.
  11. I have to eat crow and admit I severely underestimated Super Mario. I think I was swayed by my friend/family circle who was not anticipating the movie at all. Additionally, at least personally on my social media, I wasn't feeling the hype levels. At this point I'm excited to see how high it can go. What's the ceiling??
  12. While I do think that a portion of the fanbase are boycotting the movie due to the OGL issue, I don't thinks its having as much of an effect on Box Office as people seems to believe. It definitely doesn't help with that kind of narrative leading up to release though. I think the main issue is just that the Trailers did not connect outside the dedicated DND fanbase and even that was spotty, with many saying it looked horribly bad. In addition there was that whole interview with the directors about "emasculating men" which was completely hijacked by the anti-woke movement adding another layer of stink on top of the badly received trailers This movie has just not been on the general movie goer's radar at all. I do wonder if this would have played better as a summer release as even though it was a packed schedule, I think they could have found a better slot as counterprogramming to some films and not have to go up against direct competition in Mario. if it makes "A little under" $100m domestic, its not making much more if any at all internationally. Any way you spin it, if it ends up around $200m worldwide with a $150m budget that's a pretty epic bomb imo. My hope is that it stabilizes after Mario and has great holds for the remainder of the month. Will have to wait and see how the next couple weekends are.
  13. As much as I'd like to see this movie be successful, its looking more and more like this will be an epic bomb. I checked my local theater and normally they would keep a few showings for a movie like this, but they are going all-in on Super Mario and literally every screen will be showing it starting from Thursday. I expected it to lose a bunch of screens but not literally everything. It's actually the first time I've seen my local theater do this. I think it will be extremely hard for this movie to stabilize, which is a real shame.
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