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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. Actually, many big blockbusters from the early 2000s are bombed as well, for some weird reason. Many of them with a suspiciously similar 30 millionish votes. Though RT has stopped showing the number beyond "250,000+", but I remember looking through it last year and being surprised just how many early 2000s movies were hit.
  2. For TROS, both the critic score and audience are reliable. The TLJ critic score is reliable too, the issue here is the review bombing of TLJ's audience score.
  3. In late May 2019, RT started requiring users to show ticket stubs before they could rate a movie. It drastically cut down on review bombing and made the audience score correlate very well with other metrics. Scores from before then are not reliable since many are review bombed.
  4. I...guess, because looking at Eric's, Porthos, and my data from the morning run I'm taking, there was some weird inexplicable jump last night? Though still not enough to keep pace with BW but at least better than what yesterday was doing.
  5. I see a decent amount of positive reviews on Twitter from tonight, so don't stop it just yet. Not to overstate things, it's not super amazing glowing stuff, but definitely not bad at all.
  6. Subbed Showtimes: 603 (+23) Subbed Seats Sold: 11774/89614 (+736) Subbed $ Sales: 162644 (+8925) Dubbed Showtimes: 771 (+63) Dubbed Seats Sold: 20531/110540 (+1341) Dubbed $ Sales: 290974 (+17141) Combined Showtimes: 1374 (+86) Combined Seats Sold: 32305/200154 (+2077) Combined $ Sales: 453618 (+26066) Even more PS heavy than I expected.
  7. I'm guessing what they're trying to say is that they "saw the gears" too much, so to speak. Like, they knew the Deviants were supposed to add moral questions, but they weren't as impactful as characters (from the marketing, more like entities?) as the reviewer wanted.
  8. I truly don't know what to believe on this movie. I've seen reviews that are completely the opposite of this saying that the action scenes are really good and the character work sucks.
  9. The positive scenario here is to get into 2nd quintile in %, which is some solid company, though avg rating will likely end up lower than those.
  10. Eternals MTC2 Thursday Showtimes: 1956 Seats Sold: 32857/318398 (+1523) Total $ Sales: 466945 (+21387) Friday Showtimes: 3719 Seats Sold: 24609 (+1595) Total $ Sales: 329597 (+20083) Blech. And there's nothing soon that will cause any big bump in the sales. At this point the best it can hope for is gradual pickup throughout the week and hopefully doesn't get completely left in the dust by BW. Will start the BW comp tomorrow to see whether it starts to drop big time. The last two days have been really shocking to me. It was going well and then completely stalled here. Will recalibrate my OW expectations lower, though not sure about exact numbers. It has some time left so hopefully things improve.
  11. If that does happen (could see it go either way) it would be quite the comeback story after a lot of media headlines about how this has the "WORST reviews for Marvel!!!" Though to your point about expectations, quite possible that the early reviews will lead to critics going in later seeing it with lower expectations, which would help.
  12. BW reviews dropped the equivalent of tomorrow, though need to check exactly how big the boost was. Yep, went 73 to 129 in Denver, so the comp is gonna take a hit tomorrow.
  13. Nah, see, the issue here is that Marvel "forgot" to pay off the critics this time, so that when No Way Home/Doctor Strange 2 are criticized for being messy, they can point to the reviews being better than the one directed by the Best Director winner. Feige is out here playing that 4D chess.
  14. Density can be subjective depending on how much a film speaks to you, what reads as dense to one who is emotionally engaged might read as pointless convolution to another who is left cold. Exposition and how much of it is an issue is also really subjective. I remember when I found out that people considered The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones to be exposition-heavy, I was like wtf? I still don't really get that honestly.
  15. I was taking the last few days holistically from all the trackers, it was doing quite well compared to BW for several days post social media bump (up until Saturday really). That would be a pretty long time for a reactions bump to inflate it. As far as the cyclone, we saw pretty poor jumps everywhere, so I doubt that was the cause.
  16. That seems a bit overstated. Origin movies would be hurt more by weaker reviews. If No Way Home gets a 62% RT, it'll still make bank.
  17. It just did not work at all for me. There were several scenes where I just wanted it to turn off and just leave the scene with no score it all because it was just overpowering everything else and felt like it was screeching in my ears. I can't like a film score that is actively detracting from my experience. And responding to your later post here, I do understand that directors want this sound, but I personally hate it and wish they didn't want it.
  18. I feel like this is almost the same concern though. The review bump is what was supposed to pump it up to keep up with BW, like it did for Shang-Chi (on lower overall PS, but in terms of pace). The pace being bad relative to BW is directly because there was hardly any review bump.
  19. Hurting is not the word I would use (I don't think these are bad enough to be actively turning off a lot of people), just not helping. Shang-Chi had great reviews and had a great review bump, Black Widow had decent reviews and a decent review bump, Eternals has more mixed/meh reviews and little review bump. I do think there may be something to that.
  20. Eh. The trailer views were quite strong, and the sales were doing quite well up until yesterday, which was pretty bad. I think the reviews being lower than normal for MCU may have blunted the upward trend. As far as the second point, who cares about Film Twitter people? They are only useful to laugh at, not to predict BO from.
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